well look at this!!!!

WARNING.....slight brag here.... but my quilt is finished!!!
Thanks must go to Janelle who not only helped me organise it....but also coached me through cyberspace......if I (who hasn't stitched a quilt before) can do it....anyone can!!!

Ive also got to thank Mum....I borrowed her machine (mine doesn't have the quilting attachments required) ....and who also helped me stitch (and if I'm honest...almost did all the ruffles for me) the pieces of the quilt top.

...did I tell you I LOVE it!!


  1. Oh Mardi - I am so impressed!!! Who knew you were a patchworker and quilter! :D I love it!

  2. It looks amazing Mardi!! What a fantastic job - especially for a first-timer!! Beautiful!

    Sheree xx

  3. Mardi I am SOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you - this was a BIG job to make this quilt and you have made it look effortless - amazing beautiful work. I can't wait to see what you make next!!!!!!! xxxxx Janelle

  4. Just beautiful Mardi...looks like you have done a perfect job!
    What's next on the list to make? ;)

  5. So have you found a new calling then? What's next, lol?
    The quilt does look beautiful. And very professional!

  6. Mari that is just BEAUTIFUL, I LOVE it....well done.

  7. far out Mardi. awesomejob congratulations:) It is gorgeous!

  8. Mardi- your quilt is just divine!!!! Well done! :)

  9. Anonymous9:20 am

    It's absolutely gorgeous - stunning!! You are very talented. Court :)

  10. just caught up....
    Happy Birthday to Mitch.
    Buggar about the 3rd lot of AB, 3rd times the charm hey & it'll buggar it off.
    The lo's r fantastic as always!
    & the quilt....job well done; & believe me not everyone could do it. ;P
    Thanks for stopping by my b.spot the other day.
    Take it easy ....just a bit longer

  11. Anonymous10:12 am

    Janelle must be a fabulous teacher and you must be a wonderful student. This quilt looks stunning and so professionally made. Are you sure you have never done quilting before???? LOL:)

    I love it and am glad you do too after all your hard work. I am so proud of you:)

    I hope that nasty infection has gone away now and the medicines have worked. Have been thinking of you often even though I haven't popped into your blog to say hello for a while.

    Take care of yourself and have a great week. Lots of love from Susan (smiles1965) at Scrapboxx

  12. Anonymous2:29 pm

    Looks fab! I am impressed!

  13. it looks amazing Mardi...and is going to look Fabbo! in your new home!

  14. Anonymous2:03 pm

    Your quilt looks amazing. Love the colours and design.

  15. I love it too.. It is gorgeous...


  16. Looks fabulous Mardi, you clever chick!!!!!
    Just wanted to say CONGRATS on the SC cover!!!!! Just got mine and it looks amazing!!!!! woohoo!!!!!

  17. quilt looks fab, I wish I could do it, maybe one day. Have a great weekend,

    Lauren x

  18. What a fabulous quilt - love the colours. Did anyone tell you that quilting is addictive too.....
