New Banner...

31 March 2008

I was so tired of my old banner.....and I'm so crapola at them..... that when uba talented Kim offered.....I would have been nuts to say no.
So thankyou so much Kim.....for making me a banner....and so quickly.
Im sure Mitch will be thrilled to see its his turn for a shot in the blog banner lime light.
Mardi x


  1. LOVE the new banner Mardi...

    Just letting you know I have just added a photo tour of my home town on my blog, check it out when you get time.

    Cherie xx

  2. Anonymous5:51 pm

    Hiya Mardi - LOVIN the new banner, looks fantastic.
    Fingers crossed the fix-it guy shows up - I'm not a fan of washing at the best of times but a huge ever growing pile of dirties would deter me even more from tackling it I'll use any excuse when it comes to doing laundry though ;)
    How clever are you with your crochetering - those hats are totally fabbo, no wonder the others are snapping them up as fast as you can do them!! Love the green one.

    chat soon
    Julie xx

  3. Cool new banner - Kim did a fabulous job!

  4. Love the new banner too mardi.

    I posted a few pics from my town too.

  5. Your new banner looks awesome Mardi! Wish I knew how to do that myself... I'm hopeless at it!

    Sheree xx
