"Welcome to the neighbourhood"...

20 April 2008

.... how lovely to be greeted by our new neighbour....and given this beautiful bunch of flowers...welcoming us to "this little corner of the world" .... it was such a kind gesture.So after a weekend of sorting...un-packing...and organising.....I have ever so slightly chipped away at the mountain in the garage..... the pile has shrunk a bit....and most of what is left will be finding a home elsewhere. Possibly the inside of the bin for a lot of it.


  1. awesome news Mardi, so glad you are finally able to get yourself unpacked and living in your new house, must feel great all the fresh paint and new tiles, bet you cant waittil the rest of that small mountain is gone from your garage, good luck with the rest of the move
    Megan xx

  2. Gorgeous flowers!!! What a lovely way to be welcomed to the neighbourhood! Sounds like you're getting through that mountain slowly but surely...won't take you too much longer I hope!

    Sheree xx

  3. Great welcome! It's nice to think that some nice/good people still exist in this age we live in.
    I'm sure u'll be on top of that mountain soon.

  4. Congrats and welcome to your new home! It sucks when you move in, all those boxes to unpack eh? Just remember to take it easy ;o)

  5. LOL i can SO relate Mardi...we still have boxes and those big fruit bins i need to sort through:)

    What gorgeous flowers they are...keep smilin and take it easy

  6. Anonymous9:08 am

    Wishing you all the best as you settle into your new house. It must feel a bit overwhelming right now unpacking everything but day by day you will get it done.

    Make sure the kids help with their share and don't just dissapear and leave it all to you and hubby....lol

    A lovely bunch of flowers your neighbours gave you. How kind and thoughtful they are.

    Have a great day and take care of yourself. Don't get overtired sweetie. Love from Susan (smiles1965) xxoo

  7. Great to hear you have moved into your new home.

    Glad to hear all is going well.

  8. Beautiful flowers Mardi - sounds like you have a lovely neighbour!
    I can't wait to come for a visit and see all of your furniture set up and have a cuppa.
    When school goes back and I have only one child at home I'll give you a call.

  9. Anonymous3:52 pm

    Hey Mardi

    What an awesome gesture from your new neighbours......VERY welcoming indeed!!! good luck with all of your unpacking and sorting

