Weekend re-cap

Friday afternoon Parps and Betty arrived on the bus.....
They looked just wonderful..... Papa never ceases to amaze me....at 94 he is still so agile... fit and sharp.....I would love to think Id be half as good. Its such a shame his sight is failing... but he just gets on with life... and takes it in his stride.
We easily fell into their routine.... shower and breakfast followed by a walk.... probably should take a leaf out of his book....and start eating and exercising like him.... hes obviously got the recipe right.
We took lots of drives around the region..... showing them a few of the local sights.... stopped to top up the fruit bowl at Aggies fruit stall (Belinda...youll recognise this one)...
Watched Mitch play footy....
...and generally had a great time... we relaxed...watched TV... chatted...and laughed lots ...
I was so sad on Monday afternoon saying goodbye... I felt lost... and wished they could stay longer.... I really hope we can get over to Tassie again in the not to distant future... I miss them.

So....Monday went...and it was back to work.... this working week days...isn't all its cracked up to be....I miss my shift work.... and I miss my night shifts...

Chemo again tomorrow.... this time John is taking me.... 11am appointment....

Ohh...and who do you think Briony is impersonating?


  1. You are so lucky to still have Parps so well and mobile and mentally great! I'm so happy you had such a special weekend. :D

    Umm... I have no idea! Who is Briony impersonating??!!

  2. I am so happy to hear that you had such a lovely time Mardi.

    Ahhh yes - Aggie...gotta love her fruit stall. Lots of yummy fresh goodies there.

    Can't wait to catch up. Missing you heaps! I am in desperate need of a Mardi fix! :D


  3. Oh bugger - now that I've seen Yvette's post I forget to tell you who I think.

    Is it Corey? lol

    If so - she does it well. I hope she doesn't start acting up like him though...lol.
    I'm pretty positive that it wouldn't happen...lol.


  4. Glad to hear that you had a great weekend and oh to be that fit at that age how fantastic.Good luck with tommorow.take care Kerry xx
    Yes it does look like Cory,you wouldn't want her to be him that's for sure lol.

  5. i was going to say girl corey:) she wouldnt have a naughty bone in her body would she Mardi:)

    Good luck for today...am thinking of youxx

  6. Yep...Corey...only thing that sprung to mind.
    Great to hear u had a great family catch up time with ur Papa & Betty.
    Would be great to be that active @ that age.
    Hope chemo goes betta this time round( well everything goes planned n e ways).

  7. So lovely to hear you had such a lovely time with your Parps! It's wonderful to see someone at his age so well and enjoying life!

    Hope your chemo day went a lot better this time around...

    Have a great weekend!

    Sheree xx

  8. Anonymous7:52 pm

    So glad you had fun with your recent visitors. Take care and have a fabulous week end Mardi. Love from Susan (smiles1965) xxoo

  9. cool pics :D

    (ps. i want a wii!)
