An award...

Thanks to these girls..... Kathleen...Janine and Sheree......I was nominated for an was only this morning that I was sitting here feeling very flat about my poor neglected blog...then I remember this award....and I felt a bit 'smilier'...thanks girls.. ususal with these awards there are rules.... and the rules are...
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees. award recipients are......

Kim Archer



Crafty Matters

Pumpkin Pink

Gee...its kinda hard to just choose 5....but I know a lot of you have already had the award...and Im sure Ive doubled up again here too....but I love all of these places to visit... and maybe I can make these girls a little 'smilier' too....


  1. Well deserved award too.

    Hope your Christmas organising is coming together. How exciting is it going to be with your newest addition to spoil rotten......

    How is your new sewing machine going? I am so in love wiht mine and am so glad that I spoke to you first otherwise I would have purchased a different one. Thanks for your advice.

    Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a safe & happy new year. Hope 2009 is a totally wicked year for you Mardi....

    Luv Leanne xxx

  2. mardi i just saw the most beautiful lo of a precious baby girl about to have her first christmas, in the scrapboxx newsletter. clever you! i love it!
