How we can help..

Like every other Australian I'm still shell shocked by the devastating stories of loss and courage.... and yet...Im so proud to be Australian....the way we rally together to assist is heartwarming.
So here are a couple of ideas.....
You can make donations online to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009

and.....I also wanted to share this too..... I think its a lovely idea Sarah....and I know I will be seems the absolute least I can do.

I feel for those families in the Victorian regions devasted by fire this week. I can’t help but feel frustrated at the limited amount we are able to do from here to help. I can donate money but I felt the need for something more tangible to be done for those families who have literally lost everything.

As scrappers, one of the most important things we deal with on a daily basis are memories. Family memories, memories of loved ones, memories of holidays, birthdays, christenings, bbq’s and days at the beach. These families in Victoria have got no tangible evidence of their lives left. No family photos. No happy snaps. You can replace a fridge, but you can’t replace years of momentos.

In order to help out these family begin to put their lives back together I have started a scrapbooking plan - called “MEMORY GIFTS”.

Quite simply, I ask each and every one of you who read this blog to donate a 12 x 12inch completed scrapbook LO to the “Memory Gifts” program. Each page will be sent to me. I will collect them and bind them, then hand them over to the head of Pastoral Care for the Victorian Catholic Education Office, Maria Kirkwood in Melbourne.

Each family devastated by fire will be (in time) given album pages to help them begin their memories again. Those families can then approach their own families for copies of photos to put into the albums, or simply start putting in fresh memories.

If you think you can help, please let me know by replying to this email and I will reply with my postal address so that you can send on your page. Any help you can give will be much appreciated.

Have a great Saturday....