Whats happening at @home?

I'm long over-due for a post....and there has been lots happening in my life this last week ....but I really wanted to add this little 'promotion' of some fantastic new classes that are happening over at the @home site.

First of all I want to give a little 'plug' to the life snippets workshop...... Ive been loving it....and I'm so excited as each month I get to add another couple of pages to my gorgeous album..... its becoming the story of 2009
Now.... you can begin this at any time....so if you haven't started yet...its not too late...

Want to see a few peaks of my snippet layouts so far?
I'm working on my March snippets layout today.....so not long until another peak is available...

Another very exciting class......is the 'When I was your age' class.....designed by Yvette.

This was such a walk down memory lane.....and I spent many hours one morning reading through these old journals......reminiscing.... and collecting information..... then I followed Yvette's steps and created two layouts......one of myself at 15 ....and a comparison layout of Briony at the same age...totally good stuff!!Thanks Yvette.... I was so excited about the entire concept of this class..... **happy dance**

and finally.....another fabulous class ..."Simply stitched notebooks" this one designed by the very talented Janelle.........this class is a definite on my to-do list....and I know Briony and Alex will love joining in too....

So.....thats my little plug done.... back soonish with some news from around home....