Any idea what this is?

Ever come across something quirky....and even though you have no idea what you will do with still think you need it?

Well today... I met a lovely lady who had some items for sale......I just couldnt go past these gorgeous old cases.... both are in well loved ....well travelled but perfect condition...

..but it was this stand that had me the most intrigued....and Id love to know what it is.... it has "WEEBEE DESIGNS" written across it.....and the words "handmade originals" ... along with a depiction of a stick person.

Its just a simple wooden frame....with a handle and a curved rod at the top.....

Anyone got any clues?
I tried a google search....but so far I havent been successful..


  1. love the suitcases, no clue about the stand mardi but i bet they each have a wonderful story. think of the different hands that might have picked up those suitcases over their lifetime. looks like you all had a wonderful holiday too mardi. take care, Leax

  2. Hey great finds Mardi! Sorry I have no idea what the frame is... but I hope you find out. I'm intrigued!

    Sheree xx

  3. Anonymous9:27 am

    LOVE the suitcases Marid!!!!!!!!!
    I have always wanted some that I could put a glass top on to make a coffee table! Awesome find :)
    (or a stack of really old, weatherworn books)

    As for the stand it looks like something a man would hang his suit on. The jacket/shirt goes over the wooden frame and the pants/tie hang on the handle?

  4. Gorgeous finds Mardi. The suitcases are awesome. I think the stand may have been made to hold small childrens antique clothing at a antique store or market.

  5. Hi Mardi,
    Love the suitcases, like Lea said imagine the journeys that they have taken....No idea about the stand but will show the pic to mum and dad...Miss you guys heaps, Love always,......Donna:-)

  6. Gorgeous finds Mardi. I am thinking the stand might be for umbrellas? Well that is all I could think of LOL anyway!


  7. Anonymous1:25 am

    Oh I know exactly what that is Mardi!!! It's a 'valet'!!! You hang your pants on the rail, and your jacket over the rest!!! (My Dad's a long-time antiques buff ... Mum and Dad's house is full of stuff like that and I have traipsed many stores in my lifetime). I have actually been looking for one for my hubby so he doesn't leave his clothes on our bed chest LOL. Enjoy it!!!

  8. Anonymous1:25 am

    P.S. Love the suitcases too. BTW I noticed Tammy also spotted the valet. ;)

  9. Jennifer3:25 pm

    Love the suitcases, and I am not sure but I think the stand might be for ties?

  10. Could the stand hold the weight of Baby clothes or Booties/Bonnets, etc.?
