Little Miss Sticky beak...

We had a lovely Sunday.....babysitting Miss Bella.... it was our first full day of baby sitting... and even though poor Alex missed her terribly...we had a ball....

I tried to get a few new photos.....but she just wouldnt be in it.... far too interested in what was happening over my shoulder....
I did get one ok shot .... a little smile for Nan....

Thanks for all the suggestions on what my stand may be..... it certainly has me intrigued...and I will continue to try and get the answer....

I too thought it may have been used as a stand for hanging clothes.....but this morning I had a play....and I realised that it is too top heavy to hold soon as I hung anything on the curved fell now Im even more confused....


  1. Bella is sooooooooooo beautiful and I can only imagine how much fun it would have been for you and Ian to have her all to yourselves and what a top pic with her beautiful smile...cant wait to meet her, Love Us xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Anonymous1:27 am

    SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! I think the photo is lovely.
