What an AMAZING weekend.....@home / away retreat

I have no idea where to begin.....

How do I actually capture just how wonderful the weekend was in a measly little blog post....

I had the most amazing time... to finally meet Kim , Yvette and Mel....and to spend time with Janelle again was so comfortable and natural.... the girls were just as I imagined....and more

So here goes....a very quick run down of the weekend...

My weekend began bright and early on Thursday morning.....I left at 5am for the three hour trip to catch my flight....I sighed a huge sigh when I was finally on the plane...Id been worrying Id miss it..

My flight was great...I LOVE flying....well I should say it was great....OTHER THAN the woman alongside me who sniffed continuously the entire trip.....I felt like passing my serviette....and giving her the 'blow your nose look'... but I was excited...and nothing would dampen that....

Mel and Yvette arrived at the Airport within minutes of me.... very well coordinated by Kim...and we made our way to the hire car....Yvette drove us on to Janelle's.... we had that baby piled to the roof with luggage....and we chatted non-stop ... the perfect type of road trip.

Janelle spoilt us with a lovely cuppa and freshly baked Chelsea buns....delicious! It was so lovely to see where Janelle lives and to meet her Mum...and give Emily and Jasper a little cuddle again.

After our brief stop we travelled on to Kim's home... it was SO exciting to actually be there.... to meet her beautiful family...who reminded me so much of my own....and to give Kim a hug after all these years....I truly wish I lived closer...its sad that these friends are all so far away.

Kim had arranged the most fabulous three bedroom apartment for the Thursday night....and we had a lovely relaxing night....getting to know each other....sharing some gifts.... having a laugh and preparing for the weekend ahead. (note to self.... don't laugh- becasue eyes turn to slits...and face looks like beetroot) Friday went in a flash..... we had a lovely breakfast together.... and then began setting up the room for the retreat to begin. Kim had done a spectacular job preparing the decorations.....gifts and little personal 'Kim touches'.... Ive said it so many times...but its obvious....Kim is a details girl!
The room was full of adorable little touches....that made you go ooohhhh......ahhhhhhhh......awwwwwww!

(photo courtesy of Janelle)

Friday night the registrations opened.....and the girls began to arrive....
Each of the registered girls were given a gorgeous gift...it was the cute little beach bag containing a hand painted lady....and a name tag. (photo courtesy of Janelle)

it was so lovely to make so many new friends...and to finally meet some of the girls who I have considered dear friends for years... I was emotional as I saw them for the first time....

Saturday ...bright and early I taught my class....and it was fun....I have no idea where my nerves were.... they just never arrived!

Here are a few peaks of what we did in my class.....
Saturday night..... was party night..... and while the girls were at dinner....Kim's family filled the room with helium balloons....it looked spectacuar. (photo courtesy of Janelle)
The atmosphere was buzzing....it made us all feel like dancing (and there was a bit of that too).... there were games...giveaways and make and takes....
We were on such a high when we got back to the room that night (or perhaps I should say monring).... we had lots of belly laughs....and not a lot of sleep...

Sunday was sort of sad.... the inevitable 'goodbyes' were looming...and it was all too soon coming to an end...

We taught one last class....the tag team album...which was very busy...and noisy... but lots of fun....and then we began our final hugs....photos and goodbyes as the girls one by one began to leave...

I loved this huge group shot that was taken.... I LOVED each and every one of the girls I met... I just wish there had been a little more time to just sit and chat.... seriously there couldn't have been a better bunch...

Sadly all too soon I had to say my goodbyes to Yvette, Janelle and Mel..... I didn't want to let go...I wanted to keep them and bring them home with me....

Sunday night was a lovely closure to the weekend.... Kim hosted me overnight...and I got a chance to spend a little more time with her beautiful family.... I loved the tour of Newcastle....the delicious fish and chips .... and the opportunity to flop on the couch and just chat....

Monday morning Ken gave me a lift to the airport ....and I caught my flight home... so sad.... its all over... and I cant wait to do it all again.....


  1. I miss you too Mardi! Next time I'll come home with you. :) xx

  2. Thank you for coming all this way. Thankyou for all your help and thank you for the silliness of Saturday night with our laughter and frivolity.

  3. Anonymous7:58 pm

    Oh I can't wait to do it again either! Such a fabulous weekend.
    Meeting you in person was just wonderful ... to think back to when you messaged me when were both on Memory Bugs (RIP) re our geographical connection ... and there we were meeting in territory unfamiliar to both of us LOL! You are just as beautiful as I knew you would be, and I wish there was time for a good ole natter too. I adored your class, and the layouts I've completed (can't wait to do the other two!) and you were a fabbo teacher!

  4. sounds like you all had a fabulous time and the room looked gorgeous. So hope I can come to the next one.


  5. Anonymous10:04 pm

    Hi Mardi, meeting you in person was one of many highlights for me at the retreat, I absolutely LOVE your work, you are an inspiration to me. the three of us (kirsten, sandra and myself) couldn't stop talking about how great the weekend was alllllll the way home.

  6. Wasn't it wonderful!! You girls all did such an amazing job you sould be so proud of yourselves. And it was an absolute honour to meet you Miss Mardi, your a sweetie.

    Love Lisa

  7. Anissa9:02 am

    Mardi, What can I say. Meeting you in person was everything I thought it would be. You are amazing. Your stories,your passion and talk about talent. I learnt so much from you in more ways than one. I have come home filled with creativity again which is great. I think you are an amazing woman. Keep smiling Mardi. You are absolutely radiant!

  8. So pleased that the weekend went well ... all the little finishing touches were amazing ... so hoping that I can make it to next year's retreat ... thanks for sharing Mardi ... cheers, Pip

  9. Oh my gosh, a week has passed already...
    It was a totally amazing weekend, I had such a great time, to catch up with all my online friends in person was the best part...and of course the hardest part was saying goodbye...
    Thanks for all the insperation

    take care
    Cherie xx

  10. Hi Mardi, I SO SO SO loved being together again at the retreat. And to have a sleepover party with you too - how fun! Thank you SO much for being you - my beautiful amazing friend xxx Janelle

  11. Mardi it really was amazing to finally be able to give you a big hug in person after all this time!!! It really was the BEST weekend EVER!!! I didn't want to say goodbye...I hope we get to do it all again soon!

    Sheree xx
