Brooke Grace Winen

We are over the moon.....and delighted to announce the arrival or darling little.....
Brooke Grace Winen to our family.

Alex.... wonder Mum did an amazing job.....we are so proud of her......
They dropped Bella at our place at around 10.30pm last night......and Brooke was born at 11.21pm - 17/04/10
She weighs 6lb 15oz (although they are re-weighing her this afternoon to double check she looks quite a bit smaller than it may change)
She is so tiny....makes the most adorable little sounds when she sleeps....and although I thought she looked different to Bella as a baby.....Ive since changed my mind.....she is a Bella clone....

We are about to head back for another visit and Ill leave you with these photos....

..and just for comparison....and so you can see why I changed my mind..... here are Bella and Brooke..... at almost exactly the same hours old....


  1. Oh my, well done, congrats and all that, she is so totally adorable Mardi. Baby Bella is now a big sister and she looks absolutely besotted with her little sister.
    CONGRATULATIONS again Mardi. Ahhh makes me all clucky seeing little bubbas.
    Leanne xxx

  2. Congratulations to you all...she is beautiful and I love the photos very much...they really capture the moment...I don't think she looks like Bella.....Bella always reminded me of Brent as a newborn but this little bundle doesn't...and Brooke Grace is such a lovely name...can't wait to meet her and Bella....Grandkids must be so special ...I can hardly wait....lots of

  3. Huge congrats, Mardi!!! She's just beautiful - and you're right, they are like 2 peas in a pod!

    Fran xxx

  4. Anonymous6:33 pm

    Congratulations grandma!! What an absolutely gorgeous little family. Brooke is so adorable, just like her big sister and you are right in the likeness - can barely tell them apart.
    Congrats to mummy and daddy and Bella on a safe (and fast!) birth.
    Erica xx

  5. Anonymous7:38 pm

    Wow Sweetie, Brooke is just adorable congrats to you and your gorgeous family! i have enjoyed watching bella grow up and now look forward to seeing little brooke
    Bridge xx

  6. jane f8:29 pm

    yay! congratulations to everyone

    she looks beautiful- what a gorgeous family:)

  7. Congats to all of you! She is just gorgeous! Wish my 3 1/2month old had of stayed that little!

  8. What gorgeous Grandchildren!! Congratulations Mardi, how special is a brand new baby to love and adore... xx

  9. Congratulations to you Mardi and to Brent, Alex and big sister Bella.

    Brooke is just simply adorable and so much like Bella.

    What a beautiful family.

    Love to you all
    Cherie xxxx

  10. I've been checking your blog all the time for updates :-) Congratulations to you all, such wonderful news x

  11. Oh my Mardi, she is such a little dolly and SO gorgeous!!! A HUGE congratulations to you all from the Wind family. I sure can see some of Bella in her but it will be fun watching her grow into her own little self too. I can't wait to meet little Brooke one day too.
    xx Janelle

  12. Oh YAY I've been dying to see photos! She just BEAUTIFUL Mardi. So very precious. And Bella looks positively HUGE next to her! lol. I'm so happy for you all!!!

  13. Oh my goodness she's totally precious! And look at Alex...she looks amazing! Congrats to your whole family!!! :) Just love those sweet photos...especially the one of little Bella holding her baby cute! How wonderful!

    Sheree xx

  14. oh congrats again Mardi to you and the family:)The photos are beautiful

    Brooke is gorgeous! And what a lovely family they are. Alex looks wonderful after her quick labour!!!

    Lotsa love

  15. Congratulations to you all. How wonderful. So happy all went well. She is just beautiful like her sister and mother. An exciting time for all. Enjoy. xx Sue

  16. Very well done on the time, broke records even maybe LOL
    Congrat's to Brent & Alex & Miss Bella...& of course grandma, grandpa, uncle & aunty.
    Se's just so ....AWWWWW gorgeous!

  17. Anonymous9:44 am

    congrats to all. Little Brooke is adorable and precious, excellent photos Mardi, newborns just melt my heart.

  18. Awww! So beautiful... Congratulations to you all, Mardi!

  19. Congratulations Mardi, I feel clucky just looking at the photos ... it is truly amazing how much the girls look alike ... enjoy all your precious moments with your new little bundle.

  20. Congratulations to all of you! Alex looks amazing, a natural mother. Brent must be so proud of his girls. Mardi you do take the best photos, I am envious of all the grandma cuddles lol, all my 'grandkids' have four legs and a tail. Oh I can just picture all the lovely girly things you will be making for your little angels.

  21. Mardi HUGE congrats to Alex Brent and Bella, as well as you and your family:) How exciting, and how gorgeous is Brooke,,,,i agree she looks like Bella:)xx

  22. Anonymous2:39 pm

    Congratulations Brent, Alex and Bella and of course you Mardi (and Ian!). She's adorable!

  23. Oh my goodness...this is what happens when I don't check blogs for a long time.....congratulations to you all Mardi!!! I had no idea Alex was pregnant, so this was a really lovely surprise! Loads of love to you all xxxx

  24. Congratulations Mardi to you and your family. What a little cutie. You can tell they are sisters. They do look alike.

  25. Congrats to your whole family Mardi what anotyher gorgeous grandaughter you have she is just devine:)
    Hope everyone is doing well :) Bella seems to have taken to the big sister job very well :)
    Megan xx

  26. huge congratulations....what a gorgeous new addition to the family Mardi :) Tatum xxx

  27. Whooo hooo Congrats to Brent, Alex little Bella and the rest of the family!!! Brooke is adorable!
    I haven't opened my bloglines for awhile now and just seen some photos of Brooke on FB.
    I wish I was home in Barmera so I could see little Brooke in real life.
    Can't wait to see a lot more photos of Bella and her new tiny little sister.
    Hope you're well Mardi.

  28. Congratulations Mardi and to Alex and Brent, she is just gorgeous and doesn't Bella look adorable with her.

    It must be so exciting to have another little one to treasure.


    Leeanne xxx

  29. Oh Mardi, what a beautiful little cherub! She brings tears to my eyes, she is just so tiny and perfect! A huge congratulations to Brent, Alex and big sister Bella - wow, she sure arrived quickly, Alex you look amazing!

  30. She's BEAUTIFUL!

  31. wow, I'm really really behind, lol

    very belated congrats :)

    Again Alex and I were pregnant at the same time, my little boo is now 7.5 months :( time goes too quick

