Roll up crochet hook keeper - tutorial

I had a brainwave....

I was tired of searching through my basket for the right crochet hook..... in fact it often took me longer to find my hook than it did to crochet my project.....

So....I decided to sew a roll-up those pesky hooks would always be on hand...and easy to find.
Now....I'm not taking any credit for the design....I'm certain its been done a million times before....and I'm not professing to be a good sewer....or a good instruction writer.... or anything really..... but I just thought it was such a simple little project.....and made up in some cute little makes a lovely little project..... so I thought I might share how I made mine.

Firstly here it is......
Just off track for a minute.....I have used this vintage fabric as I had been very excited to pick it up at the op shop on that was a identical fabric to the lining of a quilt that my Grandma had made many many years ago.....its a quilt that I still use today..... seeing as my Grandma was a big seemed fitting to use it for this pattern....

(oh....and picked up that cute little suitcase too....its adorable.... not too large and in perfect condition too)
Anyway.....back to the crochet roll thingy..... here it is again.....

...and opened up..... As you can see has stitched divisions for the well as a flap that comes over the top.....this prevents the hooks sliding out of the roll.

Step one:
Begin by cutting your fabric and lining fabric 35 x 33 cm

Sandwich some wadding in the middle - I used pellon and ironed it on to my top fabric.

Finish off the two long edges with bias binding - I stitched my binding to the wrong side first and then folded it over and hand stitched to the right that it was showing as I liked my vintage binding..

Step two:

Now lets determine where the folds will be and mark them with a pin.
I folded up 10cm at the bottom and 4cm down at the top.

Step 3: Now using the pin as an edge marker... turn the folds inside that right sides are together and make sure it is all sitting flat. Re-check that your folds are even on each side.

Cut some small lengths of bias binding and pin over the gap between the two folds on each side - as per my photo below.
Stitch along this seam through all thicknesses..... clip corners and turn to the right side.

Step four: Now you can just slip stitch the bias binding closed at the edges...

(Now I'm sure there is a much neater and smarter way of doing this.....but it worked that's how I did mine)...Janelle...if you are reading this you must be

Step 5: Mark and stitch your hook divisions - I spaced mine between 2 and 2.5cm each....

Step six: starting from the right side edge....roll up the crochet roll ... take a piece of ribbon that will become your tie and position it in place...tying in a bow. Mark two spots to attach the ribbon..... now unroll and stitch in place in a couple of spots as shown below.

Step seven: I also felt like my top flap didn't sit firmly I added in a couple of lines of stitching to anchor it in place..... you can see an example below.

And there you have it...... an easy crochet hook storage more searching.... everything nice and close and handy. I have even popped my scissors and my wool needle in here as its a one stop crochet tool box.

If you attempt one.....Id love to see it..... OR if you have designed or come across a better one....Id love to see a link to that too..... as I know mine is amateur and quite simple.


  1. Oh this looks great Mardi! I have the same problem with my hooks always disappearing to the bottom of my bag. I'll have a go at making one now...thankyou for the tutorial! I love that you found the same fabric that your Grandma used on your quilt. What a fantastic find!

    Sheree xx
    ps. Love all the little changes you're making to your's looking great!

  2. jane f8:52 pm

    this is what i need too.......... and the time to make one:P
    love that fabric too

  3. Ohhhh, this is LOVELY!!! I need to make one for my good paintbrushes, and you have given me a little gentle nudge to actually do it :)
