My incredibly talented friend wrote a book......

Now....I have a few incredibly talented friends....but only one of them has written a book (or at least as far as I know) of course I'm talking about this one..... Janelle Wind
This dear friend is a superstar..... and we are so lucky that she shares her talents with us all......

Today I want to shout from the roof tops how excited I am about her soon to be released book..... its called "Pieces of Janelle Wind" .
I can not wait to get a copy in my hot little hands.....I know how hard Janelle has worked on this book....she has poured her heart into designing and creating the most beautiful projects.... then spent hours upon hours.... fine tuning her patterns so they are precise and easy to read.....I'm sure her eyes went square for a few weeks there..... then she has styled and photographed everything so amazingly.... its a book of pure eye candy.

Its available on pre-order now...check Janelle's blog for pre=order stores (here) I cant wait....
I cant wait...
I cant wait.....


  1. (blush) you are the BEST friend ever!! Thank you SOO much - this book would not have been possible without you
    xxxxxx Janelle

  2. I can't wait looks fabulous!

  3. Anonymous9:33 pm

    I will definitely get myself a copy of this book. All of Janelle's projects are gorgeous and her instructions are fabulously easy to follow!
    *claps* congrats to Janelle :) :)
