I have a confession to make....

I spend FAR more....as in ENORMOUSLY more time .... collecting ideas and notions......than I ever do actually creating.

I'm a serial pest to myself..... I have grandiose plans....I search for and buy the requirements....I add to my to-do list.... I hang page markers from my books....... I bookmark ....save to favourites.... clog up my computer with inspiration photos.....scrawl myself notes......daydream .....and yet... all this time is really wasted....if I never actually put any of these ideas into action....

So.....Ive made a start.....

Ive set myself a challenge...... I'm calling it 'dreams in action' week ..... so for one week.....I want to create..... share.....tick off my list.... and when the week comes to a close.....I want to end it with a satisfied sigh.....

Wish me luck.....

First project is underway as I type.....


  1. Good luck!

    I have to admit, I am exactly the same. I have more crafty stuff here than I know what to do with. And it annoys me sometimes, and other times makes me feel guilty. Look forward to seeing what your week brings :)

  2. Ah but that's half the fun Mardi. Like planning a holiday, you know the excitement of a new project.

    At least I know I am not the only one :)

  3. I have to say Mardi, that often I come onto your blog and there are photos of new layouts, quilts, bags and more and I think to myself, this is one organized gal who seems to accomplish so much....wish I could be more like that...I think I need a 'dreams in action' week because I think you are describing me in that post...lol

  4. Nikki9:06 pm

    I am exactly the same Mardi!!! I have so much paper, fabric, patterns and ideas that are just sitting there waiting for me to play! I may have to take a leaf out of your book and attack them!!

  5. You and me both Mardi! LOL I think my to-do list is about a mile long and I'm always thinking of new things to add to it!

    I can't wait to see what you create this week...love that sneaky peek!

    Sheree xx

  6. i spy some gorgeous bunting-who's the lucky girlie?

  7. Good luck Mardi! I can't wait to see what you create!!

  8. Pamela C9:19 pm

    Such a great idea 'dreams in action'...in fact sounds like me too...maybe I should try for one a week...hhhmmmmm...good luck with yours....x PC

  9. guilty! :) am working on three projects atm......:) shall have to join in.....
