The slouchy beret....

With the cooler evenings and a chance over the weekend to just sit....I blew the cobwebs off my crochet hooks.....and started a couple of projects....

Firstly in response to Brionys request for a slouchy beanie I made this one...... you can find the pattern ((here)) ...its a very easy pattern and although my photos don't quite show off the 'slouch' you can find a much better pic on the source blog.

I'm so thankful that Briony obliged me with some photos .... poor thing was trying to dash off to school....and I'm blocking her path with a camera.... so...although she is smiling in the pics... on the inside I'm sure she was cursing me...and praying I wasn't making her late.

Just looking at these photos I realised that we so rarely see her hair down.....its almost always tied back....I think its a shame...if I had long hair ...Id be swishing it around everywhere...


  1. Ive got this on my Rav to do list! looks fantastic

  2. Anonymous8:52 pm

    I dusted off my knitting needles the other day too and knitted two scarfs LOL! It must be the weather ;)
    Love the colours in your slouchy hat :)
    Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog! I always feel special when I get comments ;)

    and a HUGE ~*~*CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS*~*~ to you (Nanna) and the family on the safe arrival of a new little granddaughter. That is so very special :)
    xx hugs Tam

  3. I love Briony's hair too! SHe should wear it out more!!
