You Capture - depth of field

Really I'm a bit of a lucky duck.... because....if we are quiet at work.....I get time to surf around...checking out all my favourite blogs and sites....
It gives me the chance to stumble across things I normally wouldn't find in my time at home.

So....when I stumbled across this ( a brilliant 'weekly photo challenge' the brainwave of Beth from "I should be folding") .....I was very excited.... and I wanted to play along too....
Now....I'm FAR from an expert in photography fact I'm always terrified of drawing attention to my photos..... I don't really 'get' all the rules.... and I'm sure through a professional eye there are so many ways in which I could improve them.

But...this being my year of growth and acceptance.....Ive decided to play along with this for awhile....and photos might even improve...
If nothing else...all the inspiration will motivate me to get my camera out more often.

Sooooooo....after my long winded explanation of WHAT I'm doing.. and WHY....(not sure why I always feel the necessity to justify everything I do.... note to self: stop doing that!) ... let me begin....

This weeks challenge was "Depth of Field" ..... and as luck would have it..... it was only this week that I was helping Briony with some photos for a school research project.....and we captured these..... they seemed to fit the 'weekly challenge assignment' perfectly.

Next challenge is 'sky' and I can hardly wait....


  1. Beautiful photos Mardi, gotta love discovering and trying new things, know I do :)and loving it at the same time, good for you...

  2. These photos are amazing Mardi, don't know what you are so worried about.
    Good on you for giving it a go.
    xx Leanne xx

  3. Wow Mardi those pics are awesome!

    Sheree xx

  4. Beautiful photos! I like the colors of the flowers! You did a great job on the photos.

  5. What gorgeous photos! Good luck with the next assignment!

  6. Wow Mardi the photos look awesome! I love depth of field.

  7. oh they are just delightful!!!! I love that link, thanks for sharing it!!!!

  8. Thanks for popping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment Mardi. I am really missing the Boxx lately, not because I haven't called in, but because it just doesn't seem to be buzzing like it used to. I really hope Maria is able to sell to someone with a lovely outlook just like our boss lady.

    Wow you have been so busy, your family are all gorgeous. It is so lovely to see you play an important part in your grandchildren's lives.

    xx Deb

  9. Beautiful photos Mardi..

    Sounds like a great photo challenge site...I may pop over myself and check it out!

    Cherie xx

  10. Really nice shots!

  11. The red flowers in the last photo are stunning! Really beautiful.

  12. I discovered your Blog over at the You Capture link up. I wanted to tell you about The Happiness Project over at my Blog. It’s simple, every Tuesday you just post a photo of something that makes you wildly happy. It’s been so rewarding to meditate each week on what brings me happiness. I would like to invite you to join and link up to Mr. Linky. I am trying to take over the Blogosphere with happiness!

    Here is a link to last weeks round up if you want to check it out!

  13. LOVE those pics Marni.

    so devine

