I finally finished off a couple of layouts....

These have sat on my desk for way too long.....

I have no idea why.....they were both almost done.... and just needed those finishing touches ... so its a nice feeling to move them to the top of my 'layout mountain'.... yes...its a mountain... no album..... no chronological order.... no organisation at all really.... just a teetering pile of completed layouts.

"Sheer delight" - I just had to scrap the 'crazy eyes' photo of myself..... when my book arrived....hehe

"baby Brooke" - and all the stats on our little sweetheart Brooke..... (thanks for the tag Char)


  1. WOW Mardi, your layouts are GORGEOUS!! You make me want to scrap. I LOVE the layout of you with my book too, thanks SO much for scrapping that one. Thanks for sharing your inspiration xx Janelle

  2. LOL I just love that pic of you with your book Mardi! Both layouts are fantastic! The one about little Brooke is so sweet. :)

    Sheree xx

  3. Gorgeous porgeous Mardi!

  4. they are great Mardi....ive done one since ive been home LOL.....welcome for the tag im glad you used it:)
    How do i put your name in my blog with a link...i havent blogged about our day yet cause i dont know how to do the link:(
