You Capture - water

Photography ......there is always soooooooo much left to learn.... seems that ..... just when I think I'm getting the hang of it.... I take a bunch of crappy shots and deflate myself again....I have discovered however..... that plants are a lot more patient and compliant than children!

This weeks assignment at 'I should be folding laundry' was 'Water' .... these were my 'captures'..


  1. I agree with you about there always being so much to learn, but your pictures are beautiful! I love water droplets, and the colors are great!

  2. Stunning shots of water. I love these!

  3. Mardi! They are beautiful! LOL! Maybe I should concentrate on photographing the plants too! hee hee..x

  4. I'm with you. Sometimes I think I'm taking great pictures and then...I realize I know nothing about it. ; P And then I do what you did: I go back to practicing depth of field and composition on things that stay put.

    I love your pictures! And I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way.

  5. Anonymous5:21 pm

    Hi Mardi,
    Your photo are just beautiful. You have done well to capture the water on the plants.
    PS I love your new profile photo. It is very classy.

  6. Anonymous8:23 pm

    Absolutely brilliant shots Mardi :)
    I especially love the droplets on the rose :)

  7. I get a lot like that!!! I think its a ever learning type of thing!!! I love love love the baby brooke layout below!! just melting my heart!!

  8. Beautiful photos! I get so envious seeing beautiful photos when all I've got is my point and shoot. It's so limiting. Oh well. I can dream that one day I can take beautiful photos like these :)

  9. I feel the same as Kathy, i think oh gorgoeus photos then i think there is so much to learn can i ever catch up with the knowledge and i feel bad cause i havent tried....vicious circle:) But Mardi i love the leaf one its my fave....:)

  10. Wow what stunning pics Mardi! So beautiful!

    S xx

  11. fabulous job Mardi! your shots are just beautiful! methinks i had better try photographing plants too:)my 3 see the camera and start running these days!
