Its 'pumpkin 'pickin' season...

4 July 2010

Well not that Id know...but it looks like it is!

We popped out of town today to visit friends.... on the way we drove past quite a few blocks full of these.... I begged Ian to stop for a photo..... but he was in a hurry...and maybe he thought it wasn't cool.

So this afternoon.....before the sun disappeared....I ducked out and got a few shots anyway....
I hope the grower doesn't mind me sharing these shots of his beautiful pumpkins.....all ready for market I guess.


  1. great photos Mardi....xx

  2. Stunning Photos Mardi - I love the ALL. Were they taken with your new lens? Take Care, Chrissy xxx

  3. love the last one...and it is back breaking work picking pumpkins...i feel for the people who had to pick them:)

  4. Great Photos Mardi..

    Cherie xx

  5. Hi Mardi, these pics are great, looks like the set for a commercial, I keep expecting the actors to pop up from behind the pumpkins - thanks for sharing x

  6. Gorgeous pics! I love the perspectives you've chosen to take them, they're fantastic!
