Anna Bella at 23 months

Following on from my last post.... this time a little update on Bella.....

darling Bella..... where do I start...

* You are happy little soul..... with the most hilarious personality.... you can pull the funniest faces....and you already know how to work a crowd.

*You love to watch 'In the night garden' .... and you know all the characters.... its your favourite thing. Poppy and I bought a DVD....and the first thing you do when you arrive is put the TV on...and ask for 'Iggle Piggle' and 'Makka Pakka' those two are obviously your favourites.
If we turn off your DVD because you aren't let out a most indignant "Heyyyyy!!" and give us the 'turn it back on' look.

* You love to sing and dance ..... and we often see you doing some 'moves' in front of the television... you are particularly good at copying Upsy Daisy (from 'In the night garden') ... we really love your adorable little over exaggerated arm movements.

*You have a few favourite toys at Pop-pee and Nans .... these include the little red pram that used to be Brionys.....the baby doll (also Brionys) and the red handbag. You also love the ride on car and the music it plays.... the Disney counting book....and the swing.

* Pop-pee has taught you to love the 'Pies' (Collingwood football team) recognise the magpies logo immediately....and call out...."Pies!!!....Yay!!!!!!" .... you have the keenest eye for their matter how small or obscure you will pick it up and call out in delight.

* You are quite the talker these days..... you chat away in 'Bella Language' with all the relevant hand gestures and facial expressions..... as well as having a long list of recognisable words as well.

You can say all our names... and the usual greetings like hello...and bye..... as well as bubbies (for your dolls)... nana (banana) ... cuppa.... bath.... swing.... nose....sit down..... all gone... goodnight (non-night) ...and many more.

* You are becoming a little bit of a 'ratty' as you approach two.....and we are constantly having to say 'no' as you get into things.... you are stubborn though.....and will smile cheekily and then wait until the coast is clear and then go straight back to it again.

Your favourite haunts are the bathrooms (you love to suck the toothpaste and plaster anything you can find through your hair) .... you love remote phones.....the computer....the DVD collection.... you love to get into Brionys room.... you pull her photos off her mirror and rat through her handbag for lollies.
All in all Id say you are a pretty typical almost two year old...and certainly much easier than some.
*You love to go for a walk in your stroller....and often when you visit...Poppy and I will go for a nice long walk with you.

*You love going to playgroup each week..... and we now have our very first Bella painting on our fridge....Poppy and I love it....and you are very proud of it like to rearrange the magnets that hold it to the fridge each time you visit.

*We have just started making you a 'cuppa' when we have one.....we make you a little milky hot love your 'cuppa'...and Mummy says you never ask for one at home....its just a special thing you have at Nan and Pops.

* You love to show off as I said.....and you have quite an array of party tricks.... you can jump (quite high actually for a little person) ... do high fives.... somersaults.... and will pretty much parrot any action or words we can come up with....

*You love to push the baby trolleys in the supermarket.... in fact you are a good little shopper....other than when you bite big holes in the bread bags.

*You love your bath.... the minute you finish your push your plate aside and make the loud announcement "bath!" know the are a routines girl.

* You love to read the mini-albums.... you flip the pages looking at the photos.....and get very excited when you recognise us all..... you've 'Bella-fied' them all slightly as you occasionally just cant resist picking off some embellishments. Your favourite of all time is the 'Normanville' go back to that one time and time again.

* You still have a dummy when you are tired or well as a blankie. Its a faded mink type baby blanket ... and Mummy finds it tricky to get it in the wash.... you don't like to part with it for long. You call it 'bink'.... thankfully at Nans we have a substitute blanket.....and you will accept that if the need arises.

*You love Brookie.... and always drag her rocker seat and toys out for bring them over to us.....saying "Book!.....Book!" ....thanks are such a good Sister.

*Your hair is wild and curly... and you have the tightest spring curls..... especially if the weather is humid.... when you are in the bath your hair is actually quite long.... but it springs back up when it dries..... it seems to grow out....not down.

*We love and adore you.... and you are never short of an audience ..... you and Brookie are the little shining lights in our lives....and we are so lucky.


  1. Another fun post Mardi! She's such a sweetie and looking so grown up now!

    Sheree xx

  2. Awww what a beautiful post Mardi..
    and a beautiful little girl too... absolutely just too cute :)

    Jenny x

  3. Awwww. That was so lovely to read. I think you should document it all as is and keep it to show her when she's a teenager. Do it every year or so. Just beautiful. xx Sue

  4. Love, love, love this post Mardi! She is just precious!

  5. Did you ever imagine she'd bring you SO much joy! Probably did...I had a lot of laughs as was reading Mardi-our Lulu is a toothpaste lover as well:) Some precious moments and memories you are making there.

