I have a fashionable addiction...

I'm addicted to Op shops..
In fact...I  have been for as long as I can remember.

These days its become a popular hobby....
and you have to be fast...
those really lovely goodies get snapped up so quickly.

I also love reading about finds....
those posts about what someone has found on their visit to the Op shop just catch my eye.... I'm interested...its almost as good as shopping myself.

In particular ...over the last few months Ive loved reading about Lea's  finds...
and Ive loved being the recipient of some of them when Ive ordered some packs of pretty fabric and doilies from Lea's store Little bits of pretty

Ive also noticed Lea playing along with 'Flea market finds '...
a great little collection of linkys from like minded addicts.
( Off on a tangent here....but I was also surprised when I noticed the blog Author Sophie lives in Mildura...
and that's certainly not that far from here...small world.)

Anyway.... I wanted to play along too....

So here are my finds from the last couple of weeks...

Some beautiful sheets.....I seriously felt like Id hit the jackpot...
there are plans for these!

The cutest little frame and wicker owl...

which look all the better now they have had a spray job.

Sadly the owl had an altercation with the roller door of the garage....
resulting in a karate chop to the back  of its neck.

 I was so sad... he may have only cost me .50 cents....but we had grown so fond of each other already.
I'm in two minds..
keep him....and always keep his back to the wall.....
or part with him altogether.
The frame on the other hand.... it survived....and looks perfect with my girls framed in each side.

I also added a few frames to my collection.....as well as a candelabra...

The frames ended up on the lounge wall.....and the candelabra (still waiting on its candles) found a home here.

Not bad
I wonder what I'll find next week.


  1. Ahh crap!! I've been looking out for frames like that for months, especially the last one. And I vote to keep the owl, he is a cutie

  2. Fantastic finds ... especially the sheets. They're in very short supply in my part of the world.
    My Flea Market Find

  3. Anonymous9:49 am

    I totally love op shops too, always pop in on the days I'm kid free, i can't help it. Even better when you walk in and see they're putting new stuff out!!!
    Love the sheets! What a haul, bet you gave a little squeal when you saw those :)

    And thanks for the feedback on album sizes too Mardi, i think I'll try both for a while and see which i like best xxA

  4. LOVE the sheets!! Pity our Op Shops are full of bad clothing and a musty smell, no cool stuff, but I still like to frequent them, just in case ;)

  5. Oh yay Mardi! I bet your heart skipped a beat when you saw those sheets. all gorgeous!! Grant asked me the other night if I had spotted the show'Hoarders'?? He is getting concerned about my op shop addiction. I'm not though:)

    PS My advice about the owl...keep for a while and see how you feel about him. You don't want to make a hasty decision and regret it-yep I am sounding like a hoarder.

  6. Love the vintage sheets! Great finds. Mr. Owl is too precious in his white coat. Keep for sure.

  7. Totally keep the owl, he's just too cute!!! I love the green frame (I think I liked it a little better pre-spray, but I see why you did it cuz it matches better now!)

  8. owls are awesome. You got to keep him!

  9. jackPOT! love the sheets.

    The spray paint aisle is a revelation to me - soooo many colours now!

  10. OMG what fantastic finds....I too have become addicted and spend my day off each week browsing Vinnies and the like looking for treasures...shame its become so popular, there is a lot of competition out there for "trash"...lvoe what you have done with your "treasures" can't wait to see what you create with the sheets! Lee x

  11. for now? back to the wall, i'd say, until the time has come?
    dig the addiction too, actually... ;)

  12. Love seeing your finds Mardi! What a shame about your owl...I say keep for a while at least...he's so cute!

    Sheree xx

  13. Wow, your Op Shop finds are awesome! I love them all sprayed white too, they look great! Poor little owl, glad you kept him, he's cute.
    Hmmm.. I'm inspired to go visit my local op shop now!
