Bells and Chook

Wanna know what gets my attention?
Hearing this from the family room...
where Bellsy babe is watching Shrek
(just to paint the picture further.....she has her snack and drink
on a little table....which in on the floor rug)

"Sowee Nan"
"Its only an antsant (accident)"
"It doesnt matter"
"you can fix it"
"it ok"

Chookie on the other hand was just having a snuggly day.....
we love those days...
Snuggles from Chook are the best.


  1. Anonymous4:14 pm

    Those girls are getting cuter every day! Cuddles are wonderful things, and Bella's statment was definately and attention getter lol.
    (can't seem to comment through google at the moment, only wants me to start a blog.)

  2. Your girls really are the cutest! I love hearing all about them x Janelle

  3. Oh, they are beautiful! I love the "doesn't matter, you can fix it" she must know that that's how you would respond!

  4. LorraineV1:07 pm

    Very cute Mardi, I love how you document little things like is amazing how fast they grow's fantastic that you think to document it. I never did with my three and now when I hear family friends little ones say the most gorgeous, innocent things I think 'you should write that down', that's a keeper.

  5. Such sweet pics of the girls Mardi! They sure are growing up fast!
    Sheree xx

  6. Oh mardi how blessed are you to have such adorable girls in your life... and of course the rest of your family!!!
