Ian says it wont last.....

but...we are enjoying the ride while it does.

For Mothers Day....Briony gave me a new cookbook....

Jamie Olivers 30 minute meals.

and I'm HOOKED!!

Its no secret....I would pretty much rather be doing anything.... other than cooking...
I avoid it like the plague....
and if I can get Ian to cook....I'm a happy Mardi....

but since Mothers day...
Ive been LOVING the kitchen...
I'm inspired...
I'm shopping...
I'm looking forward to that time of the evening when I can 'set the clock'
and bang out an awesome....tasty....exciting dish in 30  mins.
(I must add....I'm finally getting close to 30 mins.....the first night took me an hour and 20 ....but since then Ive got faster and faster....possibly due to the fact Ive cleaned out my cupboards and pantry so that I can put my hand on ingrediants and things I need fast.

I have made myself a little list of kitchen gadgets I need...
not expensive ones.....just things Mum has already said Ive needed ...
and I know they will make my kitchen life even easier....not to mention how delighted Mum will be next time she comes to cook.

(Mum.....when you read this......dont fall off your chair.....and if you were hoping to come and sample any of my amazing culinary delights....come fast......Ian is already counting the days to my excitement wanes...lol)


  1. Well that sounds interesting. I have looked at this book for ages and asked for it for Christmas but no one could find it for me...so I have contemplated buying it for myself so many times but I haven't bought it! I loathe cooking dinner too - well more the deciding part rather than the cooking part so I might just follow in your footsteps and buy this afterall!! I look forward to you proving Ian wrong LOL KIM

  2. Sounds fun Mardi... love watching Jamie cook although I have never bought any of his books... may have to look this one up...
    Thanks for dropping by too... and for your sweet comments :)))

    Jenny x

  3. Mardi you and I are so alike when it comes to cooking...I avoid and only do it when I have to (and I LOVE nights when Paul decides to cook! Lol). Maybe I should check that book out!

    Sheree xx

  4. I love Jamie Oliver's recipes and have quite a few of his books! I have tried the Limoncello trifle a couple of times from the Thirty Minute meals and it is delicious!!

    The other book of his that is excellent is The Ministry of Food - made lots of the recipes and they are delicious and easy!!

  5. LorraineV12:35 pm

    Meals done in 30mins....that really appeals to me...my biggest problem is deciding what to cook and more importantly what our kids will eat grrrr. Might have to pop into our local book shop and check this one out....the 30mins has me interested and I'm sure my poor husband would love a bit more variety when it comes to meals.

    thanks Mardi


  6. ain't we just funny... here i love to cook... just wish i had that vegie patch growing now so i could raid it for all the good food. so can't wait...we still have sand all around us... lol... some gardens one day!

    thanks so much for popping by too... it's always great to catch up with you mardi. thanks be good and have a lovely weekend !

  7. oh thats brilliant Mardi...i have his ministry of food cookbook and i had my hot little mitts on this book on tues...we saw him cooking the steak sarnie with feta and beetroot salad on tellie the other day:) I like how he has lots of step by step stuff:) Enjoy...must share the jamies stew recipe with you....its delish!

  8. Too funny - maybe I need that book - been lacking for inspiration lately!

  9. oh i hear you Mardi. i loathe cooking dinner as well. i have no problem cooking cakes tho. or slice, biscuits or any other sweet.

  10. Anonymous4:36 pm

    I love watching the TV series about Jamie Oliver and always come away with new ideas and my mouth watering.

    I bought 2 of his cook books in the mid year sales during 2010 as Myer was offering 2 for the price of one which I thought was fabulous. I love looking at the food photos in the books as much as I do eating the yummy things I cook.

    Keep up the good work and enjoy your delicious meals.

    Love from Susan (smiles1965) from Scrapboxx :)
