What I wore Wednesday....

Its a little sad that Im back on my lonesome for this weeks 'What I wore Wednesday'...
but....a little piece of Janelle is still here with me.

You may recall last weeks post......where Janelle was wearing the most gorgeous skirt?

Sooooooo I was over the moon when she offered to whip one up for me during her visit.
Now its obvious I take a larger size skirt than Janelle...
but the pattern easily caters for the larger sizes and fits like a glove.
It really is the most comfy skirt ever.

So what did I wear?

Green top (Jag) - Op shop 
Denim jacket (Levi) -  a recent Op shop find.
A-line Skirt- made from vintage fabric by Janelle using a 'make it perfect' pattern.
(This is such a good fit....I love it.....and I love it even more because it was made by Janelle)
(PS...I now match my lampshade)
Boots - Duo boots
Necklace - a gift from Janelle for my birthday

Its been fun sharing an outfit each week......and Im loving seeing some others sharing as well.
So a huge THANKS to everyone who is taking the time to join in the fun.
Mardi x


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the skirt Mardi...you look gorgeous!!
    Wish I was brave enough to share WIWW...need to get my blogging butt in order!!

    I too love looking at what others wear...thanks girls for sharing.

    Cherie xx

  2. PS I now look like my lampshade... lol that is so funny Mardi.
    Also you look like Nina off Offspring in this pic (massive compliment ;-)

  3. Anonymous12:09 pm

    haha...LOVE that your home decor matches your outfit!

    The skirt is gorgeous and i love the colours you've put together...I've been enjoying both yours and Janelle's posts so much, especially as most of your outfits are op shop finds (which is where i find 90% of my stuff too... One day I might get brave enough to join in lol...

  4. Oh Mardi you are so beautiful. I love your gorgeous outfit. Love all the bright colours.

    PS It's always handy to match your outfit with your lampshade.

  5. Oh your skirt looks fabulous Mardi!! Love it!! The whole outfit looks gorgeous on you!

    Sheree xx

  6. LOVE IT...just whip up a skirt!!??? yes..as you do!! :0) oh my it is too cute & with your boots, very cool!
