Michelle Bridges 12WBT

I did it!
I joined for round 3 of the 12WBT.

Let me tell you ....it wasn't an immediate decision...
I knew that...Kim, Mel and Kate...had all had great success...
and so its thanks to them partially for the motivation.....and I guess...the idea of joining.

Now my story....
Well I'm a poomba...and I hate it.
I've struggled with my weight on and off for years....

In recent years I've had a yo yo thing going on....and that's not good.
It sort of began during my chemotherapy.....when I gained about 10 kilos.
Obviously during that time ..weight wasn't my concern.....I was focused more on getting well again....I figured Id worry about the weight later.

I very quickly realised that being overweight was not nice...
I no longer felt like me....I wanted to get 'myself' back...
so I joined the gym....
and I worked hard....
and I did lose weight.....and I even grew to love the workouts...
I felt strong.....fit and was so proud of myself.

Then...I went on holidays....
treated myself...
got lazy...
told myself that I was now so fit that I could afford to be naughty....

Then I started skipping my gym sessions....
and I told myself I was too busy....and too tired to be at the gym in the evenings....
and I threw it in...

I gained a little of what Id lost....and I was unhappy again...

then Ian and I heard of Bodytrim...
I was smitten...
we bought the program....
we walked the 10000 steps a day....
and we stuck to it religiously...
Ian lost 16 kilos...
and I lost about 7 kilos...
I was back to my pre-chemo weight...
and I was thrilled..

I couldn't maintain it...
I found it too hard to live pretty much entirely on protein....
and over the moths that followed.... as I added in carbs again.....I gained back all of the weight Id lost.

Which brings me too now...
I feel yuck...
I back to my heaviest....
and to be honest I haven't even been game to get on the scales yet.... I'm terrified of what they will say.
I have been walking.....and I've half heatedly been watching my diet...
but I know that this isn't enough...
I need a kick in the butt...
a plan of attack...
something that makes me accountable.

So.. earlier this week while I was at work.....
the idea of joining the 12WBT program just lit up like a light bulb in my head.
I could barely get the phone out of my pocket quick enough to google it....
and see what I needed to do to join.
So imagine how 'right' it felt when I saw that round 3 was just about to begin.....
and it was open for joining NOW.
I actually felt as though there was some higher power in play.....this must have been 'meant' to be.

So as usual my.... procrastination began...
I knew I wanted to do it...
but I immediately began making excuses...
was I ready?
Would I be wasting my money?
What would make this different to other plans?
blah blah blah....

In the end though....
I came to the realisation that unless I tackle this now....
Ill just keep adding kilos....
and it will get harder....and harder....until I've never got the strength to tackle it.

Now is the time...
and I just need to get on with it.

I'm hoping to share a little of my journey honestly on my blog...
In the past I've been more of a quiet achiever....
I've been embarrassed to admit that I'm on a weight loss plan.

This time I want it to be different...
I want to come clean.....be honest.....and put it out there.

I'd love to hear from anyone who is joining in for round 3.... for the next 12 weeks my focus will definitely be on getting fit and healthy again.....and Id love to share that journey.


  1. omgosh mardi!! ME TOOO!! It just popped into my head last week too... hopped online and saw it was gearing up to start again... and knew i was meant to do it!! I'm excited! I've gained such a 'winter coat' due to being sick ALL winter and just not being active enough. I have the body type that NEEDS exercise... :) So pleased to have someone I know to follow this through with... xx

  2. Congrats on joining 12wbt. Id love to join just for the motivation and because of how inspiring she is!
    I just cant seem to motivate myself all the time. Im like you, too much to do, to tired, cant be bothered when in reality i have all the tools to do it myslef including fitness equipment and a gym membership and im pretty much just lazy:)
    Cant wait to follow your journey:)

  3. Anonymous9:42 am

    Ya Mardi so pleased for you ;) you will do really well chick, Weight loss is such a hard thing to tackle And being a shortie like me i reckon its even harder, but you will get there, i too have put on a few winter kilos, so I have started my walks in the mornings and will now watch what I eat UGH! good on you putting it out there, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, you will be more motivated to do better because you have us reading your weekly progress ;) NO PRESSURE LOL

  4. it is a fantastic program mardi...I did round 3 last year. her totally balanced approach and midsetting just worked for me! Enjoy! Tatum xx

  5. Well you already know my thoughts on Michelle and the program:) And I'm so glad we had a good old chat about it and well done for signing up! I know the mindset stuff will really help you too! You go girl!!

  6. Nicole11:05 pm

    I have just joined and am so excited by the program - right up my alley with the structure and support of it all.
