Thrifty Thursday...

Well there hasn't been much thrifty action happening here this week.....
but that's ok...
I did however spot this little ovenware bowl for 50c...
and seeing as it matched the dish I had bought a few months ago I couldn't leave it there.
They are made in Japan....and are the softest pretty.

I had to giggle.....
I checked out Janelle's blog so that I could link to her post....and this week Janelle's Thrifty Thursday has been brought to you by the colour aqua.
I'm so chuffed I fitted the theme.

I hope you have found some lovely thrifty things this week..

1 comment

  1. LOL aren't we funny finding the same colour goodies this week. I love your dishes, they are gorgeous and I love that they match the colours of my finds too. Gorgeous!! xx Janelle
