Thrifty Thursday...

I had little bit of luck this week at the Op shops...
Locally I came across this huge purple throw....for $3.50
it has a white tassel edge that reminds me of old fashioned beach towels...
and I think its going to be just perfect for the spare room.

I also came across these gorgeous yellow beads for $2.00

Then.... I found these at my favourite Salvos store....
The cutest summer top in a lovely green cotton for $4.99...
and a pair of shoes....that were SO comfy....for another $4.99.

Which I couldn't help thinking will go perfectly with the beads...

So..add in a pair of black 3/4 pants or jeans....
.and I've got an entire outfit for $ to be happy with that.


  1. Great shopping this week Mardi, love the green top can't wait to see it all come together (on a Wednesday of course!) enjoy the rest of your week x

  2. Oooh cute finds Mardi! Can't wait to see this outfit featured in a WIWW post! ;)

    Sheree xx

  3. What lucky finds, will make for a super cute outfit! You are so lucky to be able to find shoes in op shops, I have such big feet that I never find anything.

  4. ooh, well done! I love that green top, it will look gorgeous on you!

  5. Anonymous6:58 pm

    yah nice score ;) i was lucky this week too found the cutest brand new flatties for a steal i will be dying them red, do you mind if i join in with you girls on the thrifty thursday ?? I blogged my finds today.. xx Ps love the shoes

  6. You must have the best op shops! Cool finds.

  7. lovely yellow beads!! nice little hall of goodies this week :0)
