Vintage fabric square swap - update

I have been getting some lovely parcels of fabric squares arriving in the post....
I am really looking forward to dividing them all up......and posting them back to you all.

So .....just a few reminders.....

Please have your squares posted off to me by the 7th December.
I would love to get this all wrapped up soon after that date......and I don't want anyone to miss out.

I still have a few missing email if you haven't had an email from me ...(its an email that gives you the postage details) may be that your email address was incorrect.....or not included.
Please double check and send an email to me via the link in my sidebar.

If you get a chance....please count your squares and include the number somewhere.....
it will save me a lot of counting.

Make sure your squares are clean and pressed...... and measure 6" x 6"
(So far the ones I have received have been perfect....thank you)

I think that's about it for now.....
Oh....I will send an email to each of you when your squares arrive.....just so you know they made it.

Have a super week.....happy square cutting....and feel free to post them off as soon as you are ready.


  1. Anonymous1:05 pm

    hey Mardi! Mine are coming I haven't forgotten!! I had hoped to get them off last week but we were all down with the flu so not much got done! I have a lovely stack just waiting here:):)

  2. I don't think I wrote how many I had. I think it was 125 (or a number either side of that).

  3. Thanks Jodie...and I counted your Yvette.....I cant recall how many.....but I have it written on the front of the parcel now.
    M x

  4. I'll finish pressing mine tonight and post them off tomorrow, thanks Mardi!

  5. Mine will be posted tomorrow Mardi, thanks again, Shannon

  6. Mine will be posted soon...still have cutting to do here but I'll be onto it asap! Just got some more pretty fabric today. ;)

    Sheree xx

  7. WooHoo mine are in the post ...can't wait to see how this all pans out. Thanks for being the host x
