Day one - a new year....a new look....

Just call me a copy cat.....
because when I saw Janelle's gorgeous new blog banner....I was smitten!!

So.... all of a sudden I felt an urgency to begin MY year with a new look too....
a look fitting with my ' clutter' goals for this year.

So with Janelle's reassurance that she totally didn't mind me following suit....
I gave 'the love supreme' a makeover....all the time thanking my dear friend for her inspiration....and secretly wishing mine could look half as gorgeous as hers...(in the nicest kind of way of course...hehe)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh Mardi, goodness, you are MY inspiration in ways you will probably never even know. I learn from you every day, so to have one tiny something that I did inspire you, then I am thrilled. I love your new look, it is fresh, and beautiful - just like you!!! Here's to the most wonderful year yet!!! xx Janelle
    (whoops, seems my son is signed in every time I comment, sorry about that)

  3. Brenda12:55 am

    Happy New Year from the USA! Wishing you a beautiful 2012. My quilt squares arrived and I can't wait to start sewing.

  4. I loved Janelle's new blog look and I love yours too!!! It's totally gorgeous and very you :)
    Mel x
    P.S. Happy New Year!

  5. It looks fab Mardi. Wish I could do something with mine. Pity I am so technologically challenged!!! LOL.

    M xx

  6. Love your new look...To you and your family....Happy 2012 Mardi.

  7. Beautiful Mardi... love the simplicity of it... just perfect for a fresh new year...

    Jenny x

  8. Happy new year! The blog looks lovely :)

  9. Happy New Year Mardi! Wishing you a wonderful 2012! The blog looks gorgeous :))xx

  10. Love the new look for your blog Mardi! I really need to give mine a revamp too.

    Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!!

    Sheree xx

  11. Love your simplicity and de-cluttering ambitions.....mine too for 2012!
    Looking forward to seeing what you get up to, you always inspire me. Thanks and love x

  12. Its gorgeous Mardi....when i saw it i went WOW!
    Thankfully mine is on my to do list:) Not even sure where to start.hahaha

  13. Allie Collyer10:02 pm

    I love the new banner - so Mardi :)

    I also really love that things are going so well for you and your family. You sound so happy and contented :)
