Escape2create retreat......

Oh my gosh....
What an amazing weekend!
On every level.
I arrived on Thursday afternoon to a flurry of preparations....
Amanda...Meredith and Sue.....the e2c girls were just as I imagined...
 so warm....friendly...and welcoming .

I soon realised that these girls had an incredible eye for detail....and that this retreat was going to be 5star.

 They had obviously worked extremely hard on rounding up sponsors... 
the goodie bags and prize table were unbelievable.

The decorations.....the table fact literally everything was coordinated..
it looked amazing.

(I might add here....I am so cranky with myself.....I didn't take a camera!! I have managed to steal some pics from facebook.....and I did take a few with my phone.....but the lesson has been learnt....
what the hell was I thinking??)

It was such a pleasure to be able to help set up.... to get to know the e2c girls....along with Mel and Bev who flew in from WA on the same flight as me.....and Michelle and Andrew all the way from Sydney...
and the gorgeous Natalie May. (I had such fun spending time with Nat over the weekend...she is a sweetie....and I cant count the amount of times she cracked me up with her comments.)

Thursday night turned into a biggie.....we shared a few drinks....laughs....and as the night wore on....we even cranked up the music for a dance.... we crawled into bed at some ungodly hour....maybe like 3.30am or something....eeeek.

Friday I woke a little under the weather....
However.....I sucked it up......and prepared for the retreat to begin.
Sweet Natalie took us for a trip into Port Lincoln for some snacks.....and a tiny bit of speed sightseeing.

We were back just in time to welcome the beautiful Kate Mason..this incredibly talented girl is adorable...and I felt so lucky to meet her.....and spend time with her over the weekend.

(thanks for the photo Mel.....hope its ok)

In the afternoon the retreat officially started....
It was so nice watching everyone arrive.... all excited....lugging in their totes....eskys...and being welcomed by the girls....and presented with their lanyards and personal coffee mugs.

I was thrilled to be at a table with the beautiful Ali....Kate....Lauren...Natalie and Tatum.... there was SO much creativity at this table....and it certainly kicked off a whole new creative me.
I came home buzzing with ideas....a little notebook with movies and blogs to follow up....I was inspired like you wouldn't believe.
(Thanks Nat....I pinched a photo....hope its ok)

The welcoming afternoon tea was amazing!
The zesty orange carrot cake was to die for....

Then in the evening we had our first class.....a mixed media canvas class with Kate....
It was so much fun.....I was pinching myself that I was actually doing a Kate Mason class.
Here you can see my little canvas in progress.

Friday night was an early one for me....I think I was in bed by just after midnight....
Then I was up bright and early Saturday morning to prepare for my class......I walked outside just in time to see this beautiful sunrise....what a perfect way to begin the day.

I loved teaching my class....well I loved it once I got the hang of the microphone...
It was so lovely to watch all the layouts taking shape....I loved that the girls modified.....and adapted to suit their styles and photos.....and there were such a lot of variations.
There were so many incredibly talented girls at the retreat....and to think they were doing my layout was an absolute buzz.

I must admit once my class was complete I settled into scrapping.....and had a ball.
I scrapped a total 10 layouts....and two canvases.
I will share my layouts in a future most of them need a little finishing off.
Somehow....I got a second and third wind.....and scrapped all night....there were a few of us left in the scrapping hall into the wee hours....and it was almost 6am when we fell into bed for a few hours.

Sunday was was all coming to an end....
Amanda's lovely Mum came and took a group photo.... 

and then after a morning of crafting it was time to say goodbyes.... and pack it all up.
Many hands made lighter work.... although looking at Meredith...Amanda and Sues cars....I have a feeling they will be unpacking and sorting out for days ahead.
I cant describe just how much planning and work goes into it all.

Sunday night we stayed over at the Port Lincoln was so lovely...
We shared a meal....many laughs....and a little recap of the weekend...
I cried saying my goodbyes...

Monday Natalie and I met....and went out for breakfast....
Eggs Benedict outside on the foreshore.... how divine.

We browsed the shops.....and then when Nat went off to lunch with her Nana.....I browsed a little more.
Found myself the most gorgeous little memento of the weekend...

I bought myself some lunch and sat at the waters edge.....soaking up the Port Lincoln air.....

...and trying to keep these away from my wrap...LOL

I had just enough time for a quick coffee with Nat and it was time to catch a taxi to the airport and fly home.... so happy...and inspired....and feeling absolutely blessed to have met so many lovely ladies....and made so many new dear friends.

I also wanted to mention....
The food......OMGOSH......the girls catering did an incredible job.....the food was delicious!!!!!
Their eye for detail was amazing too..... it was 5star....every meal.

The local stores - who set up their shops so that we could purchase was wonderful.
I hadn't packed a to be able to buy some new supplies was fabulous....and I know it takes a lot of time and effort to pack and cart it all to the retreat....but it was so appreciated.

The masseurs - who set up and offered massages...manicures and pedicures.....I had a back neck and shoulder massage after my class on Saturday....and it was amazing...thankyou!!

Kathryn who so very kindly brought along linen for my bed so I didnt have to pack it....
The snuggliest flannie sheets.....doona and blanket...thanks so much.

The sponsors for this event were so generous....its heart warming to see such support.

and finally.... 
once again.....I want to thank Amanda....Meredith and Sue....
I adored you are so generous.... funny.... and hard working.
They always say if you want something done well....ask a busy person.....
and you are evidence of that.
You juggle still pull off the most INCREDIBLE retreat in Australia.
Thank you.


  1. Oh Mardi i know that we all adored you from the minute that we met you. Thanks so much for agreeing to come over to be amongst strangers (how scary and daunting!). Hopefully you have found lots of new friends and come back to us soon. Thanks for being wonderfully YOU.

  2. It was an absolute pleasure to spend the weekend with you sweets.
    Will catch up for a coffee and a shop next time you are in town

  3. Kathryn D11:05 am

    Hi Mardi, what a great recap of the weekend. Yes we are so very lucky to have these girls putting the retreat together, for the past 5 years, at our doorstep. I'm not a big follower of scrappers, just buy the occasional mag to look for ideas, I didn't know any of the teachers (what they gasp! lol) but it was a truely wonderful weekend to have the 3 of you to teach us new things. I so loved your class, it was very relaxed, and I've made more LOs using all the yummy papers & bits in the kit. Pleasure to have met you! :)

  4. Oh Mardi, it was fantastic to meet you and spend the weekend with you!! So glad you could come and that you had a great time!! Lots of fun & laughs were had that's for sure!! You're just a gorgeous girl!! xx

  5. Well, I was a little nervous to be meeting you, but needn't have worried at all, so lovely to talk and listen and watch and everything. I was a bit worried on Friday when we were chatting our heads off but you were really quiet. I thought we might have been excluding you but then Tatum said, No, she's just feeling a bit ill!! She'll be fine when she feels better!! LOL! I'm such a worrywort!! Had a wonderful time with all of my table mates and would love to see you in 2013 and hopefully sit and exchange all the little tidbits again!! I'll be bringing my notebook!! xxx

  6. Didnt we have the best time!!
    Ali....I DID feel rather green on Friday....and I was worrying I was like a wet blanket at the Im so glad I came good for the remainder of the weekend.
    Mardi x

  7. Sounds utterly amazing Mardi... what a fabulous retreat... and I am sure your class would have been a treat for everyone... and that food... my gosh... soooo delicious... there is nothing quite like a retreat with like minded friends...

    Jenny x

  8. It feels like so long ago now but it was fantastic to meet you and share the weekend :-) I hope we get the chance to scrap with you again. You are such a beautiful, genuine person :-)
