The past week my meal planning revolved around my new cookbook....
and some pomegranates.
So here is a snapshot of what featured last week...
Mushroom Risoniotto - from the River Cottage Veg book
Bruschetta for Sunday lunch ... from the Stephanie Alexander cookbook
Flatbreads..... Caponata and white bean Hummus ....from the River Cottage Veg cookbook
(Miss Bells begged to stay for dinner on this night.....but wasnt impressed by the dinner she enjoyed a couple of party pies instead.....I am still chuckling....because I called "Dinners ready"....
and she roared in to the table.... took one look at her party pies and exclaimed
"What the Dickens!")
Then last night Meg cooked a yummy beef and chorizo casserole over a bed of couscous....such perfect wet cold weather food......we followed it up with an apple pie courtesy of Sarah Lea....
the perfect end to the week. I'm beginning the plans for this week ahead..the never ending cycle.... but instead of thinking of it as a chore.... I'm trying hard to make it fun....healthy.....and interesting.
(Miss Bells begged to stay for dinner on this night.....but wasnt impressed by the dinner she enjoyed a couple of party pies instead.....I am still chuckling....because I called "Dinners ready"....
and she roared in to the table.... took one look at her party pies and exclaimed
"What the Dickens!")
We also had steak with a broccoli salad (thanks to the e2c for the most scrumptious recipe)
and a delicious quinoa celery pomegranate salad using and adaption of this recipe here......
I swapped the bulgur for quinoa which was delicious.
What I loved most was....
for the next two days I had a beautiful lunchbox of salad to take to work for was crunchy...tasty.....and filling.
the perfect end to the week. I'm beginning the plans for this week ahead..the never ending cycle.... but instead of thinking of it as a chore.... I'm trying hard to make it fun....healthy.....and interesting.