Project 365 - May

Its got easier and easier....
I began the year a bit hit and miss with my photo a day....
then by March I was getting better....
April I never missed...
and May was as routine as brushing my teeth. it is...

1st - eggs for breakfast...
2nd - my daily visit to the main street for the mail... groceries and a coffee.
3rd - Char making me a coffee when I called in at Sprouts cafe in Berri
4th -finishing off some e2c layouts 
5th - scrapped a challenge layout just for fun
6th - Ian helped the balloon pilot and drove the pickup vehicle
7th - I made Chinese dumplings
8th - My gorgeous girl
9th - tub time for fleet 95...early morning at work.
10th - Selfies with the girls on the way to work.
11th - Brookey got a fringe cut ...a nice new hair do.
12th -We went to Morphetville races to watch Black Caviar race.
13th - Lunch and an afternoon with Mitch and Meg at Megs parents place.
14th - I took Keryn to Adelaide for an appointment and a touch of shopping.
15th - Ian helped me clean the house....bless him
16th - Briony and Jarrad
17th -Dug out my crochet....a project from last year on the hook
18th - Briony is baking slices again.
19th -Off to watch Mitch play footy at Cobdogla
20th -Yummy pomegranates from a friend
21st - I travelled away to a training overnight stay
22nd - Sharing a donut with the girls in Berri while Mummy shopped.
23rd -Minding the girlies with ABC kids.
24th - Brookey loves her yoghurt
25th -Coffee with Mitch and Meg at cafe espresso
26th - Bella and I went to watch Briony play netball.
27th - Breakfast at Renmark with this occasion.
28th- Eggplant parmigiana for dinner tonight
29th - Bella tells me she is 'free'
30th- Our 25th wedding anniversary and Ian surprises me with a card and a brand new dslr camera.
31st- Called to a job in Berri just outside Brents work.

So there you have it.....our May....and its hard believe we are almost halfway into June already....eeek


  1. What a fantastic collection of photos Mardi! I love seeing your daily pics!

    Sheree xx

  2. Just beautiful Mardi... gorgeous photos... and a fabulous run down of your month... and how special this will be... in years to come... to look back on... I love the whole idea of it...

    Jenny x
