Thrifty Thursday and a little crafty upcycling...

A few weeks ago I shared this little pile of goodies that I found in my Op shop travels....I made mention that I had a special plan for the supper cloths.....

My plan was to turn them into super sized ...grand girlie suitable ....peppa pig watching floor cushions.
 I was so happy to finally jam in the last of the stuffing yesterday and close the seam.....and let the girlies give the first one a test run.....

I used the entire cloth for the front.....I attached some wadding to the back as you would a normal quilt.....and top stitched around the continents so they have a slightly quilted feel...

and the back I patch worked from a mix of fabrics that I chose simply because they matched the colours on the  front..
(Yes apparently the doll....the fridge and the chair couldn't be put down for the photo )

Brookie tested out the comfort factor.....

....and I think that's a slight smile of content we can see appearing......

 Then Bella and Lottie had to get in on the action..... Brookie by now had ownership over this cushion..... she was growling and telling Bella to go away!
(Yes Lottie needs knickies!)

So all in all I think it got the tick of approval.....
I had better get cracking on the second one now.....there will be fights....and we cant have that.

 Cost of this project...
Cloth $1.00
3 pillows for stuffing $10.50
So Id say.....
 its a $12.00 Girlie friendly....Peppa pig watching Floor cant beat that.


  1. Just beautiful Mardi... fab with the top stitching... and the back is just as lovely... can see why the girls LOVE it... perfect for watching Peppa Pig... and being extremely comfy at the same time... yes... I think you definitely have your tick of approval...

    Jenny x

  2. Bloomin lovely! Given me a few ideas for a few things I've been meaning to do :-)

  3. That is WAY COOL!

    And I'm going to NZ in October!

  4. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Once again you have created something FANTASTIC!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing, I love seeing what you have been up to.

    Have a warm, safe and fun week end.
    From Susan McGuire :)
