Janelles - Big Birthday Mega 40 Giveaways

My dear friend Janelle is turning 40....and in true generous Janelle style....
she is sharing the birthday love with all of us...
and welcoming it in with a bang.

In the lead up to her birthday she is running a series of giveaways on her blog...in actual fact she has
40 giveaways to be won!
You can read all about the details here.....

 Janelle is giving away some of her amazing stitched pieces....as well as patterns.....gorgeous gifts she has bought especially for her giveaways......as well as some items from other crafty friends.

One of today's giveaways is a little owl named Doozie from my Etsy store Dudley and Grace
You can enter into the giveaway on Janelles blog here ...

Plus....I asked Janelle if she would mind me joining in with her for this giveaway....
so I'm giving everyone a chance to win a second owl....Doozies twin so to speak.

To be in the running to win this little owlie...
please leave me a comment on this post 
and tell me about a  favourite birthday celebration / memory  in your life.

( One thing I love about birthdays in our home is that the 'birthday person' gets to choose the birthday dinner.....so for many years we have had lasagna or spaghetti......or tuna mornay....yes adventurous lot.
Then instead of cake.... my boys always request chocolate pudding....so twice a year we blow out the candles on top of chocolate self saucing pudding..
usually in a huge rush as the candles are melting into the top.)

So if you haven't already.....please head over to Janelles blog and check out her amazing ....generous....giveaways.....and help her bring in her birthday surrounded in love and fun.
Spread the word.....shout it out.... and good luck with the giveaways....how exciting!!

Oh I should add.....my giveaway will also be drawn on the August 1st..on the big....special day.


  1. Love reading your Blog Mardi, I haven't commented before. the birthday person gets to pick what sort of cake they would like. My son picked chocolate roll one year so i made him a tower of them and stuck the candles in

  2. Love reading your Blog Mardi, I haven't commented before. the birthday person gets to pick what sort of cake they would like. My son picked chocolate roll one year so i made him a tower of them and stuck the candles in

  3. We let the birthday person choose what or where they would like to go for dinner too - although it is a bit tricky sometimes with my twin sons as they want different things!

  4. Hi Mardi :-)
    One of my fave birthday presents I received was from my husband (who was actually my boyfried at the time). He gave me a voucher to go riding horses together through some beautiful Tassie bushland! It was awesome. I loved that it was a present we could both share together. And it was the first time I had ridden a horse! So much fun and meant so much to me!

  5. We love to held a surprise birthday party ! :)

  6. Marg S3:08 pm

    I'm a regular reader of your Blog, but rarely comment. I love the Op Shop finds, stitching, & just following "the days of your lives". My favourite was Mothers Day several years ago, when my partner organised a surprise visit to the Gold Coast for the two of us, & for my son, who was living in Lismore at the time, to meet us for lunch at Tweed Heads.

  7. Hi Mardi, enjoy checking out your blog and catching up on your photo a day!! The birthday person in our house has the honour of choosing the menu for dinner for their birthday. We have a birthday cake or if time is limited chocolate eclairs or donuts from the bakery are a great stand in!! As far as the best birthday present I have received it would have to be an eternity ring a couple of years back!! Keep up the great work!! xxx

  8. I adore Doozie, owls are just so cute and he has so much personality. Thank you for the opportunity to adopt him, I have come over from Janelle's blog. In our house the birthday person gets to eat their favourite food for each meal. For breakfast each year I always want scrambled egg on toast. The children design their own cake each year and some are easier than others to make.

  9. My favourite birthday was last year when I turned 50. My husbnd and I flew home to Christchurch and spent a long weekend with my family and friends. It was a special time. I didn't even mind turning 50.

  10. Denise Barrett7:02 pm

    Hi Mardi, I would love to win Doozies twin. I just love all things owls and love your handmade ones. I follow Janelles blog and didnt realize you had one so now I shall be following you too. My favourite birthday thing to do is just to go out for tea with my family. You can relax and enjoy plus there is no dishes to do at the end.

  11. Brenda9:59 pm

    I love owls so I would love to have the Doozie owl come live with me. My favorite birthday memory was as a child my dad would always go to the bakery and bring me home the most delicious birthday cake that I've ever tasted. There was always a little plastic ballerina on top that made it extra special.

  12. My grandma always made us a chocolate sponge cake for our birthdays. It was a round cake with whipped cream and jam in the middle and icing sugar dusted over the top.
    PS - I would love one of your owls, although I really need two so that my children can have one each. Love your owls.

  13. Hi Mardi,
    I love your owls. My favourite birthday "thing" is to celebrate each birthday with my twin and her family.We all get together and have a cake or two. Special times.

  14. Joanne10:16 am

    HI MArdi. I lover your little amily tradition. We also let the birthday person pick dinner and I have to say my lot aren't as adventurous either!!! Love your blog Mardi and have only recently been following since joining Etz's blog.

  15. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful owl. I often admire them in your shop, but can never choose just 1. My kids have alwyas chosen their birthday cake with "guidance" as they always seem to pick the hardest ones

  16. I had to laugh at your 'birthday cake' stories, Mardi. My son-in-law asked for an apple pie instead of birthday cake this year. It was lovingly made from scratch by my daughter, and we had the candles precariously perched in it. LOL.

  17. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Would love a chance to win one of you gorgeous owls - we to have the you choose menu for birthday dinners- just love ICE CREAM cake in May!!!!

  18. Anonymous7:38 pm

    I have loved your owls from the beginning - they actually got me started collecting owly things. We also have the birthday tradition of picking your favourite dish (lasagne or roast usually) or place(the pub for beef snitzel)for tea. followed by Icecream cake or we have even had golden syrup dumplings!

  19. Anonymous7:38 pm

    I have loved your owls from the beginning - they actually got me started collecting owly things. We also have the birthday tradition of picking your favourite dish (lasagne or roast usually) or place(the pub for beef snitzel)for tea. followed by Icecream cake or we have even had golden syrup dumplings!

  20. Turning 24, pregnant with our first child and having been in the relationship for less than a year *gulp*, I asked my now-husband to give me a special gift ... I asked him to donate blood since I was unable to. He has continued to donate over the last 7 years and we've also encouraged his needle-phobia-suffering sister to donate too - she is now also donating plasma and platelets.


  21. What a great creative piece! So glad I came along this blog and will be following you! Great work Mardi, keep up using your creativity to it's full potential :)

  22. My most memorable birthday is the one without an actual party going on. It was my 24 and I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband had to go away on a trip, he was an athlete so he was competing in a national competition. He talked to me to sleep on the phone and I am the only one who always sleep later at night. It's just so sweet to think that he's much more sleepier than I was :)

  23. Great giveaway..my 40th was spent with my entire family and all my hubbies family at Arlie Beach...they came from as far away as USA and all over Australia...wonderful memories indeed.

  24. I would love to win this giveaway. Can't remember my 40th... it was so long ago! I just love your owls Mardi (and your name by the way). The owls all have such character.

  25. One of my fave memories was the surprise birthday party my parents organised for me when I was 19. Just some great friends and great food. :-)

  26. Doozie Dozzie I want to adopt you!!! My birthday is on May and when we were kids the Eurovision song contest was taking place on May as well and usually on my birthday we were all watching it while eating the birthday cake and cheering for Greece it was very funny (and very retro) :P

  27. In our home, the birthday person gets to pick what they would like me to cook for dinner and suggest what sort of cake they would like -I say suggest because the imagination my children can be beyond my talents!
    My son has requested for his birthday (25 July) that he gets scones with jam and cream for dinner and a layered cake with all the colours of the rainbow. I feel very lucky to get out of this birthday dinner so very easy - scones, YUM!

  28. Mardi, your owls are lovely. thanks for offering one offer a giveaway. My family has the birthday tradition too. One of my son's chose vegemite toast for his 5th birthday - that was a bit too much vegemite for me.

  29. I love having dinner with my family on my birthday. That's what we usually do in my family :) Thanks for the chance to win. Owls are literally, my favorite thing! It's the tagline in my blog!

  30. I had a surprise birthday party for my 45th. Everyone came dressed in 60's outfits. One brother and sister duo came as Sonny and Cher. It was hilarious. Sweet Owls!

  31. My best birthday memory is my last year, my first one with our daughter. My husband made it really special for me!

  32. Hi Mardi, I had the honour of meeting you at the E2C retreat earlier this year ... I love your blog ! It's very inspiring.
    These owls are gorgeous:)
    We too let the birthday person choose the tea for their birthday ... and that could range from good ole meat pies with mash to snitty n veg ... so long as they go to bed with a full tummy I don't mind what we eat on their special day.
    Love Kylie Shepperd :)

  33. Our birthday tradition for our boys is that they get to pick their dinner for the evening. Cakes requested are usually chocolate and I love baking them each year.

  34. Every year my husband and I always have a surprise birthday party for just us on a day we didn't know it was until Surprise... It was just between him and I.. we also had the traditional one with family and friends on the correct day...
    I love your lil hoot owl...
