Lucky Lottie and Gracie....

If Lottie and Gracie could talk... they would be shouting THANK YOU at the top of their lungs...
they have been spoilt rotten by some dear friends again this week.

 The world of Blythe is such a wonderful and generous pastime....I never would have imagined  it bringing so much delight into our lives.

This week there was another parcel in the post for them....and what a beautiful surprise to unwrap these sweet little crochet hats for the girls.....
So beautifully crafted by Sheree....
and available in her adorable Etsy store

....and how fabulous do they look on....
Lovely Lottie in yellow....with the cutest little typewriter badge.

...and graceful Gracie in the grey with a bow...

 I was so excited when Sheree opened her Etsy store last weekend....
and over the moon when I bought one of these before they sold out....
a cute little bear hat in bright red.
It is so sweet.....and I know Bella and Brooke secretly wish it was in their size.

...and of course I am still smitten with their new dresses from Janelles Etsy store

What lucky girls Lottie and Gracie are....

1 comment

  1. Oh Mardi... I am smitten... your newest little girls are adorable... and their outfits are divine... and the little bear hat... one of the cutest things ever... what an amazing pastime... I can seriously feel the love...

    Jenny x
