My birthday...

I could easily sneak them in under the radar these days....
its not that I'm worried about getting older...
I'm grateful that I am...
its just that I feel lucky enough day to day....without the extra fuss a birthday brings.

Having said that....
I had a lovely birthday ..... with lots of calls...emails and texts...
I was spoilt with the most gorgeous and thoughtful presents...
Mitch cooked a roast dinner...
all the family arrived...
Bella and Alex made a chocolate cake...
Bella told me numerous times how she had done the eggs and the sugar herself.
Brookie anxiously awaited the food...
Bella helped unwrap my presents...
It was the PERFECT type of birthday.
As I said....I got some beautiful gifts....Ian spoilt me with a brand new camera....a Canon 600D with a new was a combined present for our 25th wedding anniversary and my birthday and I have had it for a few weeks now....and I am over the moon with it.

The kids gave me this beautiful red leather Pandora bracelet....with two beads...a ruby birthstone bead and a little owl ....Meg spoilt me with an extra little camera bead too....which I adore..
My kids know me so well.

Oh and before I forget....Bella made me a card ..which is so sweet....and will definitely end up in my little treasure trove of keepsakes.
That...was another...wonderful and happy birthday.


  1. Belated birthday wishes Mardi!! so pleased that you had a great day with your gorgeous family.

  2. oh Happy Birthday Mardi, looks like a wonderful day :)

  3. Happy Birthday Mardi... looks like a beautiful day... and that you were deservedly spoiled... gorgeous gifts... and adore Bella's sweet card... your photo mosaic is wonderful too... love the pic of Brooke... looking very relaxed there...

    Happy week and Hugs...
    Jenny Xx

  4. I hope you had a wonderful birthday Mardi. My girls gave me a pandora bracelet with a camera bead on it for my birthday a few weeks ago.:)
