Thank you so much to all that joined in the scarf swap....
We ended up with a lovely group ... all set to swap some scarfey goodness.
I think there will be some big squeals of delight over the next week or so as our happy mail arrives.
Its not too late to join in if you still want to participate....
I'm happy to leave it open until the 10th
For those who have already left a comment or emailed...
I will send out your swap partner details in the next day or so.
Just a reminder....
The scarves can be new or pre-loved...
Swap a scarf that you would love to receive yourself.
If for some reason you can no longer take part....please send me an I can make sure your swap partner gets happy mail too.....I don't want anyone to miss out.
Thanks so so so much everyone for joining in.
Oh.....and if you are wanting to take part and haven't received a swap partner in the next day or so...please shoot me another email.....I would hate to miss anyone.....and even though I've checked my list twice....
I'm only human....its possible I could make a boo boo.