Escape to Create Layout share...

It feels just  like old times...
I have layouts to share!!!

I scrapped up a storm at the retreat.....
I don't know what the trends are....I don't know what's in...I don't even know what products are hot...
I just did my thing.....with whatever made me happy...

Here they are in a little more detail....

Turning 4

Thats a fact

So very happy..

Sweet heart

Clever Chick

Go the Fro

444 ?



My Ebony class layout....

My Sharmaine class layout...

My Kim class file folder....

The best bit....
I brought home a lovely stash of new supplies....
Some papers...some mists...tags.... washi tapes....
and a bundle of inspiration....and a a HUGE desire to scrap more.
So...stay tuned... many more layout shares to come this year.


  1. Hi Mardi! The retreat must have been so much fun! I love all the gorgeous pages you know I love your style!

    Sheree xx

  2. Great to see so much scrapping sharing Mardi. Your style is still so "you", loving all the layering:)

  3. I love your pages they must make you happy to see them all.OH thanks Mardi for the oppourtuity to enter and win a prize from your blob I got my prizes and they are wonderful.-love dee x

  4. Oh my goodness!!! You DID scrap up a storm Mardi! You're amazing! They're awesome and so you.

  5. I luv your style! who cares whats in or not, each to their own style I say, glad you have your scrappy hat back on!

  6. Love love love every single one! I've missed your online presence lately Mardi. Hope you are busy and happy and enjoying that grand baby of yours. Much love. Leax

  7. wow you got heaps of great pages done! Love your unique style!
