Love your Sister...

A big thanks to the lovely Lea for jogging my memory about this beautiful and inspiring story...
Its hard to read without getting emotional....on all levels.

I knew as soon as I revisited that not only did I need to donate again.....but I also needed to give it a plug.... alongside my "Tour de Crawf"  post from earlier in the week.

Please ...
if you haven't already.... head over and have a read....and if you are in the position to make a donation....I know it would be very appreciated.
I think we would all love to see Samuel reach his goal in recognition of the amazing journey he is undertaking....but more importantly make his time away from Connie all worthwhile.

I have stolen this from the "Love my Sister" site...they say it far better than I could...
Samuel and Connie were born a year apart, so they’ve always been close. Growing up they played together, explored the neighbourhood together... and fought cancer together.
Connie has fought cancer three times in her life and Samuel has been with her every step of the way. This time things are different. Connie is dying and she doesn’t have much time left.
Faced with the fight of her life, she set Samuel the toughest challenge she could think of. It started as a joke in the kitchen. It turned into a promise.
The goal? To set a new Guinness World Record for the most distance travelled on a unicycle, raise $1 million and spread Connie’s message of breast cancer awareness.
Samuel has consulted all the experts, taken none of their advice and he’s setting off on the challenge of a lifetime. He made a promise and is determined to keep it!

Thanks to Lea....Ill now be following closely.... willing him on....and wishing he and Connie all the very best...
(and praying for a miracle to occur.)


  1. Everything I read or watch about them give me tears of happy and sad. We can all donate something. Anything! You know I'm a big believer of 'it all counts' these two are just AWESOME! And so are YOU Mardi! In SO many ways and for SO many reasons.

  2. It never ceases to amaze me...that in the toughest and unfairest of situations... the most touching and giving miracles occur. are a bright and shining example of just that.
    Mardi x
