Jot Magazine....

Well a little squirrel tells me that Jot magazine issue two is not too far away....
and I for one... cant wait...I have heard little whisperings about the content...
and that makes me even more excited.

Thinking about Issue two....
 reminded me of Issue one...
which reminded me of the Issue one challenges.
The details are (here)
...and I chatted about them (here)
(that sounded a bit like the foot bone is connected to the ankle bone haha)

Anyway.... I thought challenge 3 was a very cool one...Its a challenge by Sian Fair..

Challenge 3 – What to Scrapbook when There’s Nothing to Scrapbook About by Sian Fair

Sian gives us a great list of prompts when you’re stuck for something to scrapbook about! Your challenge: choose a prompt and create a layout!

In issue one...I scrapped prompt #5 
"A shop you miss from your childhood"

the Wyomi beach store


  1. I'm pretty fond of condensed milk myself :) It's beautiful page.

    looking forward to Issue 2..

    1. Thanks Sian...I really enjoyed scrapping from one of your prompts..AND
      Its so lovely of you to pop by...
      Mardi x

  2. Condensed milk in a tube!!! Oh Mardi, I remember doing the same thing. But then I fell in love with wagonwheels.....still my favourite today. Thanks for the memories.

  3. Anonymous9:22 pm

    Gorgeous layout :)
