Host a Murder - a night to Dismember... bwaaahaaahaaa..

Have you ever been to a Host a Murder party?
They are a hoot!!
This was our second one... and I hope it wont be our last.

It was a few weeks ago that the invites went out...
We were all assigned a character...we were given a sheet that outlined our character traits/..background and even some costume suggestions. This sheet also gave us the background of the other characters attending.
I was the character  Angela Deth DDS...I was a dentist..."This beautiful dentist is famous for putting her patients under - six feet under, that is"
Ian was Asthmadeus...he was asthmatic and frightened of the dark...with boyish good looks...known to cruise the crypts for undead babes.

So we arrived at the home of our hosts...Garry and Sandy...
They had done an amazing job.
Their home was transformed with fake spider webs.... bats....spiders...candles...and everything ghoulish.

Here we are...looking very "a night to dismember"

We were greeted and then offered a blood red cocktail."The Toddler Toddy" while we mingled and waited for everyone to arrive. The drink was made in a punch bowl with some arms and legs floating in it.
There was some interesting "finger food" on offer...and I mean literally finger food...and some little pastry mummies that were very cute.

Main course was a meat rat on a plate...with some brains on the side...we had a blood worm salad...dessert began with some eyeballs on a plate....and then we had a blood mud cake.
The food really was perfect for the night.

The night progressed...and we played each round of the game...
It had many twists and turns... and  slowly we made conclusions and tried to predict who the murderer the end I did actually guess the murderer...however it was more from a lucky guess...there were just so many possibilities...and nothing was ever as simple as it seemed.

It was an awesome night....


  1. Hi Mardi love the new look blog header it is so you .I saw some of these photos on instagram it looks unreal I have heard about these parties and they seem fun I am going to look into having one thanks for the idea-love dee x

    1. Thanks about my beautiful new banner....the very talented Emily Wind created it for me....she is so clever...and I am so grateful.

      The parties are a huge amount of fun Dee... I can guarantee you would have a advice though.... ask your guests to read their and all the other characters blurbs really well. It helps if they all arrive knowing all about the other guests.
      Mardi x

  2. Oh my... that is impressively horrendous!!! I might have nightmares! ;)
