The wedding activities begin.... The bucks show...

I don't often blog much 'family' anymore..
I respect the kids need their privacy...and I don't always feel its fair to share...
so my posts are generally more about loves...and my cute little grandbabies...
Mitch and Meg's wedding is fast approaching...
and weddings NEED to be blogged... these are memories we don't want to forget.

First big event on the wedding calendar was Mitch's Bucks Show...
The boys hired a bus...and set off for Adelaide to the races...
I took these photos as they left home... this was the very beginning of their day...
in fact it was 7am... from here they collected more guys along the way...
until they arrived at the races with 13 of them I think.

Apparently they had a great day....
I think its fair to say...
"what happens on the bus stays on the bus"

They arrived home at 2.30am....
they were tired.... still laughing about the days events... and the bit I was most relieved about... they were all safe and sound and in one piece.


  1. Yes Mardi... weddings definitely need to be blogged... sounds like the boys had a big but fabulous day :)

    Jenny ♥

    1. They certainly had a big day by all was a typical boys day out...haha
      Mardi x
