Making pretty dresses....

I found this old pattern in my Op shop travels...
It looked pretty cute..and lets face it...
little girls dresses just never go out of fashion.
I think the pattern cost me .50cents..
The zip was .50cents
and the vintage sheet was $3.00
So.... for $4.00...Bella had a brand new dress....

Bella loved it...

Now to make one for the Brookie chook.


  1. Anonymous7:07 am

    So sweet, my mum likes to sew for my daughter too xx

    1. Thanks Kaitlynne... I used to sew for my children...but it was always the practical stuff...this time around I can sew the "just because" items...its a lot of fun. I am so glad your Mum sews some lovely things for your daughter too...I bet you love them.
      Mardi x

  2. oh just love it....:)

    1. Thanks sweet Jen.... I really need to make Brookie one now...especially since the weather is so warm all of a sudden.
      Mardi x

  3. Gorgeous dress Mardi.I have been pondering on the thought of making my kids something for summer for a while.I must look through my stash of fabrics and just do it!!

  4. Hi Mardi the dress is beautiful and your granddaughter looks so cute,love dee x

    1. Thanks so much sweet Dee.... I reckon she is a cutie too....not biased at

  5. Oh that is sweet! Reminds me of making little dresses for my Penny (she is 42 now!) to wear to kindy! Bella looks adorable in it.

    Mardi. you will have to go into competition with Theresa at Rummage Style! :-)

    1. I am pretty sure its a similar pattern to the one my Mum would have used for my dresses when I was young too Angie... they just never go out of style.

      Oh gosh....I'm no competition to Theresa... If I could...Id have a wardrobe full of Rummage style....they are gorgeous.

  6. You know I love it. Suits Miss Bella to a T. Pretty girl.

  7. How gorgeous Mardi... fabulous finds... and Bella looks utterly adorable in her beautiful dress.... the colors perfect for the beginning of Spring...

    Jenny ♥

  8. I use to make that very same pattern for my Rachie when she was little, it is so cute, and love your vintage sheet material for your little Bella. It turned out just adorable!! Love it!!

  9. Its so cute :) Did you change your blog header Mardi? Its beautiful :)
