Sewing for the girls... twirly skirts

How I love these little faces...
I also love that they are such kind sisters to each other too...
oops...sorry....side tracked by the cute photos...haha

for Christmas I made the girls each a twirly skirt and matching hair clip....
They love those twirly skirts that shoot out full circle when they twirl...
so I searched online for a quick tutorial...
They were ridiculously simple to make..
and the girls loved them.

(there are some more photos in this post here)

My beautiful little niece Evie adored them too...
so after Christmas I made her one of her own....

as well as a little pillowcase top..

I really hope she loved them.


  1. Oh Mardi.... those little sweet faces are just adorable... and love love the skirts... such beautiful fabrics too... thank you so much for sharing the link... I think I will make some for my grand daughters as well....

    Jenny ♥

  2. Oh I will have to keep my eye out for your versions Jenny....I know your little girls will love them as much as mine. Thanks for your lovely are always such a sweetie.
    Mardi x

  3. Those skirts are adorable. My grandies will be getting them for birthdays! Thanks for sharing, Mardi. I love the little top too. Sweet.

  4. They are so simple too Angie....I bet your Grandies will love them as much as mine.
    Mardi x
