Normal blogging resumes...

Shooooo ...crickets!
I have been gone that long the chirping crickets had moved in.

It seems so much has happened in the last couple of months...its been a whirlwind... so many highs and some stressful lows...

Lets begin the catch up with a peak at our September....

1. Snapped this shot of the river on Night Shift...loved the light on the water.
2. Love that Dad Winen keeps us in fresh caught fish.
3. Began working on a patchwork doona cover
4. Just me and my Buddy -
(So proud of Alex for studying and doing placement..its tough when kids are small.)
5. Booga and Bray are at Nans again today - yep...Booka is in a hat agaaaaaaaain.
6. Mitch and Meg farewelled their home in Renmark and moved back in with us... just until the house they BOUGHT is vacant in a few months... so exciting.
7. Love visiting Brent and Alexs.. they have and a goat.
8. Holiday preparations begin.
9. Bella starts organising her birthday party with school friends... not what Mummy had planned..awkward.
10. My new coat from Witchery arrived...I'm set for holidays.
11.  "Arting" at Nans
12. Training day at work
13. Placemat drawings at Cobby...Bella will draw anywhere...anytime..
14. Bella and Cannonball
15. Briony asks Bella to assist with a Uni Maths assignment...Bella is happy to assist means biscuits and ovaltine at Nans.
16. I love that the vines have begun their overhead watering...hardly anyone does this these days..but a few still do and I love the sound and smell of it.
17. Met up with Charmaine for coffee and a chat.
18. Had a new do
19. Brent developed cellulitis and blood poisoning from a scratch and was admitted to hospital.
(Very frightening watching his temperature soar and his arm swell)
20. Girls visiting Daddy... he is still very unwell. (Alex spends her birthday with Brent in hospital)
21. The temperature is down.... but his arm is more red and more swollen.
22. The antics of Mitty and Meg living with us... I LOVE having them back...secretly don't want them to leave....bwahahah
23. Working...earning dollars...holidays are coming..yay
24. Last minute Memory Planner catch up
25. This little chicken :Bella: turns 6 today.
26. Oh no!! ! I have the dreaded lurgy... insert really sad and whiny face.
27. I should be packing for holidays but my room looks like this... I cant think...I don't know what to pack...I feel sick... I cant do it!! (Meggy has her birthday)
28. Briony tells me to suck it up...and helps me pack and plan some outfits.
29. Lego time with the girls
30. We are packed... holidays are here... Brent is on the mend...Mitch and Meg are manning the fort at home...Briony is back from Adelaide on Uni placement at all is right with the world... all I need to do is shake this lurgy and enjoy the trip.