I've been so unsettled and out of routine since arriving home from holidays...
my dreams of just slotting back into routine was harder than I thought..
I couldn't find my groove...I was discontent.. I felt unmotivated... and unhappy.
Everywhere I looked (I felt) I was reminded of all my failings..
it would be so much easier to pack my suitcase and head on a jet plane somewhere else... where everyday was exciting...routines were out the window... and I could be content with very little and somehow that would make me even happier.
So....my first step on my pursuit of happiness was to declutter and minimalise my home and belongings... I was on a mission!!
I sorted and disposed of things like a crazy woman...the kids stopped visiting...they were tired of me packing their cars to the roof with things to take away...haha
(maybe a little exaggeration...but you get the idea)
Then the overwhelm set in... I wished I didn't have so much left to do...argh...
So with the house sorting now taunting me....I looked for a new way to boost my morale... oh yes..Id get my exercise sorted and back on track..once and for all...so I threw myself into ridiculously unrealistic program and within two weeks I was unwell... great! Unwell...and with a house I wanted to sort...and a non-existent exercise routine.
So.... maybe something creative would shift my mind-set...
but I couldn't get started....
I was blocked...and browsing online for inspiration just downright scared me...
I felt as though I had lost my 'style' that easy knack of throwing a layout together was hard work..
I had gorgeous new product... an almost brand new Silhouette I barely knew how to drive....not to mention mists...stencils...masks..pastes... paints... dies..embossers... and various other supplies I never bothered to use.
Great....now not only was I unwell... unmotivated with my home...but I was also creatively barren!
Call it fate....or maybe a prod from above...
but one morning as I opened my emails I noticed some "Big Picture Classes" being offered at a reduced price...
Art and Design by Wilna Furstenberg - grabbed my attention..
I had not long bought Wilnas "A heartfelt Christmas Workshop" and even though I hadn't actually participated in that class as I planned...I knew I loved Wilnas style and her wonderfully soothing voice..
AND....added bonus.... this class would teach me how to USE my Silhouette.
I bought the class on the spot.
I decided to work my way through every layout...
learning every technique ...or at least brushing up on those I already had sorted...
I cant thank Wilna enough for her step by step Silhouette tutorials as well as Photoshop tips.
I decided to share my layouts from my class even though they very closely resemble Wilnas.
For me.... I have used this class as a focus on the techniques...and different styles..
and not so much about personalising them to my style.
I attempted all the layouts in week 1 (which was all about grids).... but there were two that I just couldn't make work...they just didn't convert well to 8.5 x 11 ....but that's OK.
The others...I adored.
For this first one I modified it and used the gorgeous printables that came as a download with the Christmas Workshop.

I loved that there was so much Silhouette cutting...
although getting it off the mat still makes me irritable :(
So at the end of week one...
I feel as though my groove is coming back..
my "disgruntled with Mardi' mood has lifted a little.
I've noticed my brain has kicked into its usual overdrive... I have ideas springing in...
both creatively... and with life in general.
Just by taking away the pressure...
and giving myself permission to go with the process rather than creating from scratch has made all the difference.
Its a miracle what an affect some creative relaxation can have on the soul.
Love your layouts and work :-) I have barely scrapped this year apart from the 2 retreats. Today I thought I would put some layouts into albums ... oh my goodness ... it was cathartic!! LOL!! I filed some layouts and then went onto making two layouts and then found more layouts to put into albums and then finished off a few unfinished pages!! I was so thrilled at the end of it all!! Tomorrow I am hoping to do some more ;-)
ReplyDeletelayouts that just needed a date and embellishments!! I now feel back on track!! Yay!! I feel excited about scrapping again soon :-)
Oh Meredith....I know what its like... when you get out of the groove its so hard ..not to mention time consuming getting started again.. I would wander in...shuffle papers... and then think..."Oh its all too hard...Ill flip myself onto the couch with a book instead" but inside...I really wanted to be creative again. Layouts into albums!! Omgosh...I need to do that SO badly. Do you have an album for each of the kids? or chronological? or just random? I am wondering what to do there...so in true Mardi style...I've done nothing yet. I am SO glad you have got your motivation back. I reckon this will be a great year creatively for us all... bring on the retreat!!
DeleteMuch love...Mardi xx
Oh and unfinished pages....I SO need to do that...you have inspired me!!
They are all beautiful. I laughed a bit reading your post. Let's just say it's relatable. I'm off to pour through your travel posts Mardi. I've had this on my mind the past couple of weeks but haven't been willing for fear of being interrupted, having to beak up fights, feed kids and so on. But here I go..it's approaching midnight, I have a cup of tea and my comfy jarmies on but the best bit..not a creature is stirring.
ReplyDeleteYep... I told it as it is... perhaps I should have title the post #keepingitreal...haha
DeleteI have thoroughly enjoyed writing and editing the photos for our travel posts... sometimes as I am writing I can almost smell the day.... or feel the breeze... its so real still.... how lucky that we can keep these memories alive so long after the day..just by the trigger of an image.
I've been thinking of you ,.. and a blog catch up is on my agenda too. xx
I'm so pleased you've got your mojo back. You explained the loss so beautifully and is me to a tee at the moment. Unsettled, discontented and unmotivated. I walk into my sewing room I love and I just sit and sit, not knowing where to start. I walk around the house thinking I should be cleaning and sorting but again, I don't know where to start and I end up doing nothing. It's so unlike me. Maybe I'll just pick a project and allow myself time just for me and hopefully my mojo in all areas will come back too. And I'm back to Curves Monday!!
ReplyDeleteOh Sue... maybe we have travel blues?
DeleteIts so hard to snap out of though isn't it... that's why I found this class helpful...I didn't have to think..I just had to listen..smile ..nod..and follow instructions. I am hoping it might kick start my excitement in other areas...like cleaning out the tupperware cupboard...haha
Good girl ..back to Curves...I need to find myself something gentler...and get going again...wish me luck.
Mardi xx
Love all these layouts Mardi, I too have done the class though I haven't yet created layouts from it!
ReplyDeleteI am loving the class Raquel....its so good to finally use my Silhouette...and maybe make use of some of the cut files I've been purchasing instead of just filing them and never looking at them again. Id love to see your versions of Wilnas layouts...you have such an adorable soft style.
DeleteMardi xx
oh Mardi. You have explained me to a tee at the moment. Maybe we put too much pressure on ourselves at this time of year? I don't know what the answer is - but i do have this awesome friend who i wrote an email to and she told me not to be too hard on myself and gave me a list of tips to try. I really value her opinion as she's an inspirational scrapbooker and KNOWS HER SHIT. Hope you are back on track soon - tackle things one day at a time and listen to that little voice inside us that is saying 'ease up - i'm doing the best i can'.
ReplyDeletemwah...bless you xx
DeleteHi Mardi, I so know what you mean....no inspiration and lack of mojo....and wanting to pack your bags and hop back on that jet plane to a place......that is carefree and easy. It must be the travel blues!! I go into the scrap room and do a circle right back out the door!! But I need to start making lists, get things done, and get a move along too!! Maybe next month!! I love your layouts as usual, they are beautiful and bright...and document your lovely family!
ReplyDeleteLook forward to catching up at the E2C retreat. Until then, keep at it chickie...love what you do!! xx
I cant wait to see you too Sue...xx
DeleteIt is so hard to settle back in hey! I am going to make a determined effort though...I bought myself a new planner...and I am tackling a major clean today....I want to start next week with a clean slate.
Hope it works.
Mardi xx