HOME - the family room update..

I thought maybe a "HOME" themed post might be a change from all the scrapbooking layouts I have been posting of late. 

I've been scrapbooking up a storm at the moment so my little 'house decor surge' has taken a wee back step ...but just for the time being.

So the long and short of it is....
I've reached a point where I cant move forward with my decor without spending money....all the walls are painted... and the easy stuff is done... but to get the look I so desire... I have to invest in some key pieces....
and I have a even tighter budget now as we have just made the decision to travel overseas again next year. (squeal....yippppeeeee!!)

So....I have two options...
Wait... scour...and snap up ...when a bargain comes along...or
Lay-by....save up... spend wisely...
and both of those options don't happen overnight.

I searched back for a before photo of our family room.... but since my broken computer incident I don't have easy access to my older photos....so just as a little reminder I have added this layout. 
It shows the room with its darker older furniture...brown walls and timber blinds.

Quite different to how it looks today... and for very  minimal investment....
I've painted the walls Designer White
We replaced the wood cabinets with white Ikea cupboards that now store far more which means all the books....toys..DVDs and old videos all have a place to live. No more stacks of 'stuff'!
We replaced the timber blinds with white sheer curtains that let in lots of filtered light.
I removed all the excess clutter.. no more junky toy boxes...or piles of stuffed animals.

Then the biggest dilemma of all....and after many different options...I changed the lounges.
What a saga the lounge situation was.... first I bought the chocolate leather modern sofa  you can see above.... but it was a lone couch....and it needed a mate. 
Next I bought a  gorgeous red chesterfield style lounge from gumtree...I adored it.... it  was perfect in every way....but it was a completely different style to the one above. What to do? what to do?
In the mean time I ordered a beautiful and brand new leather lounge suite for the formal lounge room.
I also found and snapped up for $10 each the retro orange recliners ( you can see one in the photo above...and I did eventually go back and buy his mate)

Have you heard of the crazy cat lady?
Well my family were calling me the crazy couch lady!

I not only had all my old couches....I now had an excess of new ones as well!

In the end...and after many a shuffle I have settled for now on what seems to work....
and it isn't ideal as I have split my brand new suite into two different rooms... I have a feeling this isn't the last shuffle for the couches.

So that's where I am at with this room...
Keeping my eye out for a few key pieces.... and mulling over the couch situation in my head.


  1. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Wow, it looks amazing! Who would have thought you could make such drastic changes with a relatively low budget! I'm aching to paint our walls white now....and do some shuffling around....

    1. One small thing made such an impact.. and it really lifted the 'feel' of the room.... I am so thankful I finally invested the time and painted. Good luck with your changes at home too..
      Mardi x

  2. Love it Mardi. And I love your rug. I nearly bought the same rug last year. Being a patch worker I was drawn to the pattern on this rug. But I needed colour in my drab lounge room so I got a bright colourful one from spotlight.

    1. I love it too Sue....but I have the same thought...I think I would love a bright rug too....I have my eye on a gorgeous Kilim rug.. I doubt Ill get one any time soon.... but it cant help to dream hey.
      Mardi x
