Jot issue 10... sharing a few of my layouts..

Have you read Jot Magazine issue 10 yet?
Surely you have... if not....put it on your to-do list!!

I always love to share my layouts here on my blog as well as in the magazine.. 
so here are my contributions from this issue.

Amingo Shausage (You said what? gallery)

Bali (Travel gallery)

 Enjoy (Party gallery)

White (Home gallery)


  1. Oh Mardi these are gorgeous!!! I haven't seen them on Jot...takes up too much of my I-net usage...but sure glad I get to peek at them here!! I love the colours in your first one....actually I am loving all your water colouring have got that technique down pat....looking so beautiful and effective!! Great layouts!!

    1. Oh thats a poo that Jot gobbles up your internet.. but I am chuffed that you found your way here to see what I contributed. You may have noticed some from the retreat...I worked on some of them there actually. I have been really taken with that watercolour just appeals to me for some reason. I have had your words echoing in my ears though about my style I hope I am always staying true to my style...iykwim.
      Miss you.... would love to sit and scrap alongside you again .... bugger there's so many kms in the middle.
      Thanks for popping by..Mardi x

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