H O M E - kitchen pendants

I have to admit its been awhile since I posted a H O M E update...
life gets busy .. and I get forgetful.

So....anyway....the next job I was keen to tackle was in my kitchen... it was my horrible lighting!
I had down-lights ... not only did.they look ugly...but they weren't great for lighting either.

 If Id known what an easy fix this turned out to be I would have done it years ago!
I bought three Arlec pendants from Bunnings..

I then waited for the heat of summer to be over so dear hubby could get in the ceiling....remove our old down-lights....patch the holes and hang the new lights.
We then cooked by lamp light for a few nights until the Electrician could come and wire the new lights up.
Then Ta -Da ...new awesome looking lights that we could actually see with!!

All up.... lights...and Electician it came in at $200.00
What an amazing and inexpensive transformation.