Memorandum Monday - Siri ..whats that song?

Isn't it the truth... 
Sometimes the special things in life are the small things.

This seems such a trivial thing on the scale of life...
but I loved it none the less.

I discovered that Siri on my phone could actually be helpful.
I have no idea the amount of time I've muttered
 "Urgh Siri" as I accidentally activated her annoying  voice.
But I now have a new respect!

Hand up here! I am hopeless with music and artists...
I love a song but then have no idea where or who it is.
UNTIL....I realised Siri can help out!!
She responds to...

Name this tune..

Whats this song?

and probably a number of other queries...
then a simple screenshot locks in the info until I can source the track.
I love it.

 I'm back this week with another Memorandum Monday  after last week whizzed past in a blur.


  1. Oh, yes! It's the little things! This could indeed be very useful..I might have to turn to siri myself :)

    Have a great week Mardi

  2. Oh I new there was an app that identified songs, I didn't know you could ask Siri.

    1. I was the same...I kept thinking I must find that never occurred to me to use Siri. Gosh its handy though.
